------------------------------------------------------------------------- RASSHelp: To get started with RASS-Sun follow these steps: 1) Create a new master directory for your RASS project. E.g. type mkdir myfirst 2) Transfer all files of your RASS project to this directory. On a Mac there are several ways to accomplish this: First use 'Fetch' or the Finder's 'Connect to Server...' command (under Classic the 'Chooser') and connect to the RASS host, e.g. huron.ethz.ch. Then upload or copy all your files. Note: All files means sources, i.e. all Modula-2 files of your Model Definition Program (MDP) plus possibly needed input files. These files ought to be of type TEXT. Optionally keep all sources in a subdirectory named 'RASS_Sources' within 'myfirst'. 3) Make directory 'myfirst' your current working directory ('cd myfirst') type the following to rename, convert, compile, link etc. prepare 4) Optional (only needed if prepare does not succeed right away): a) edit your files if necessary, e.g. if a EOL (end of line) is missing at the end of a source file, e.g. using Alpha or vi b) execute command 'make' or even command 'prepare' once more. Repeat a) and b) till all compilation and linking succeeds. 5) Type command job or run to execute your RASS program. 'job' executes it interactively, 'run' executes it in batch mode. The latter is convenient when a simulation experiment requires lots of time, since this allows you to logout while the job is still running. You get a so-called experiment-directory with all your results. Hint: type 'job tutorial' to learn more on this. IMPORTANT: Don't alter file 'job' as long as it is running! Instead make a copy and edit the copy to program a new experiment. There are also 2 Systems Ecology Reports, number 20 and 21, describing RASS. In particular Systems Ecology report #21 contains a RASS User's Guide. Find them at http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/publications/reports RASS-Sun comes with following utilities: - RASSHelp (this file) - prepare prepares your RASS project (alias 'prep') (if '.cshrc' or '.profile' defines alias: 'prep') - reprep prepare once more, preserves settings like E-mail etc. - RASSMakeMake generates Makefile - autoedit Adjusts sources containing compiler flags to RASS-Sun code - make Unix utility to remake the program (see 'make help') - make help mk generates a Makefile, use 'make help' to learn more - job execute RASS program in foreground (job -o lists output) - run execute RASS program in batch mode - setRASSmailto sets, shows E-mail address(es) - setprojdescr sets, shows, clears a project descriptor (alias: 'prj') - getjob creates a new file 'job' in current directory - getm2config creates a new file 'config.M2PATH' in current dir - cleanup cleans current directory, asks for deletion of job results - fis find in sources - DEF2def, MOD2mod, def2DEF, mod2MOD, mac2unix, unix2mac conversion utils Most utilities give help or respond to arguments such as show. Ex.: 'setRASSmailto help', 'prj show', 'make show', or 'job tutorial'. Edit 'config.M2PATH' for a User.Profile mechanism as in MacMETH. Visit https://sysecol.ethz.ch/ramses/ramses-software-layers/rass.html and https://www.sysecol2.ethz.ch/intranet/Unix_Hints.html#RASS for further info, e.g. on how to use the debugger or for literature. Enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------------