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dg, 09/12/99


     em2 - EPC Modula-2 Compiler (Version 2.0.6)


     em2 [ options ] .. files ..


     em2 is a compiler for EPC Modula-2 implemented by  Edinburgh
     Portable  Compilers  Ltd.  The  language  accepted by em2 is
     based on the descriptions in editions 3 and 4 of  the  text-
     book  "Programming  in Modula-2" by Professor Niklaus Wirth.
     However, a control option -sun allows the compiler to accept
     the  dialect  of Modula-2 available on Sun Workstations. The
     only significant difference between  this  and  the  default
     dialect  selected  by the option -epc is that under -sun the
     types REAL and LONGREAL are compatible,  whilst  under  -epc
     they are not.

     Both dialects contain a common set of extensions which  pro-
     vide a larger set of standard data types, logical bit opera-
     tors, and support  for  mixed  language  programming.  These
     extensions  are  described in the EPC Modula-2 User's Refer-
     ence Manual.   Each  dialect  has  an  associated  suite  of
     Modula-2  library  modules.  By default the -sun switch will
     select the Sun library libSM2.a, whilst the -epc switch will
     select  the  EPC library libEM2.a. The default choice may be
     overridden and it is possible to use the  Sun  library  with
     the  language  dialect selected by -epc. See the ENVIRONMENT
     section below.

     em2 is the name  of  a  driver  program  that  controls  the
     overall  compilation  process.   em2  analyses  the  set  of
     options provided and then passes them together with the name
     of  a file argument, to the compiler. If multiple file argu-
     ments are specified, em2 invokes the compiler on  each  file
     in  turn.  The nature of each input file is deduced from the
     filename suffix.  The suffixes recognized by em2 are
     .mod    Modula-2 source file
     .def    Modula-2 source file
     .o      Object file
     If the suffix is .mod or .def, the  file  must  contain  the
     source  text  of  a  single compilation unit. In the case of
     .mod, the unit must be a program module or an implementation
     module.  In  the case of .def, the unit must be a definition

     A file with a .o suffix, or with an unrecognized suffix,  or
     with  no  suffix  at  all, is passed straight to the linking
     phase - no attempt is made to compile its contents.

     In this implementation of Modula-2, it is possible, but  not
     necessary  to  submit  .def  files to the compiler. When the
     compiler processes a .mod file containing an  implementation
     module,  it  automatically deduces the name of the .def file
     containing the  corresponding  definition  module  from  the
     module  identifier  or  from additional information supplied
     via compilation options. The  compiler  then  processes  the
     definition module before proceeding to compile the implemen-
     tation module.  When the  compiler  processes  a  definition
     module,  only  syntax and semantic checks are performed.  No
     code or intermediate symbol  file  is  produced.  There  are
     three implications resulting from this approach:

     (1)     The compiler handles compilation  ordering  problems
             automatically.  An  implementation  module is always
             compiled after the definition modules upon which  it

     (2)     By default, the definition part  of  a  module  with
             identifier  M must be held in a source file M.def. A
             compilation option is provided to override this map-
             ping if required.

     (3)     When the compiler processes the module heading
                     IMPLEMENTATION MODULE M
             or an import statement of the form
                     FROM M IMPORT ..idents ..

             the compiler searches for the definition part  of  M
             in  a  file  called  M.def.  The search is conducted
             along a search path consisting of one or more direc-
             tories  and  archive  libraries.   By  default,  the
             current directory is searched first.

             For each directory on the search path, the  compiler
             attempts  to  locate M either in a file called M.def
             in the directory or in a member  file  M.def  of  an
             archive library in the directory.  However, the only
             archive libraries considered are those nominated  by
             the -i option.

             For each library on the search  path,  the  compiler
             attempts  to  locate M within a member file M.def of
             the library.

     When the compiler processes a .mod file, it checks for  syn-
     tax  and semantic errors errors and generates object code in
     an equivalent object file.  The name of the object  file  is
     derived by replacing the .mod suffix of the source file name
     with a .o suffix
     It is normal for compiler options to precede file  arguments
     on  the  command line. However, it is possible to locate -E,
     -I, -M, -Qoption, -Qinstall, -Qpath, -e, -i, -o, -f  and  -m
     after file arguments. In some cases this may be necessary to
     ensure order dependent  information  is  propagated  to  the
     linker correctly.

     Files with the suffixes .def and .mod may be  mixed  on  the
     command  line. If this is the case, the driver will call the
     compiler for each of the .mod files first and then for  each
     of the .def files. The linker will not be called.

     em2 supports the use of module libraries which are organised
     as  UNIX archive files containing definition modules and the
     compiled object code. When a definition module is located as
     a member of an archive file, the driver automatically passes
     the name  of  the  archive  to  the  linker  to  ensure  the
     corresponding object code is linked at link time.

     Detailed control of the compiler is  provided  by  means  of
     control  options that are submitted in the conventional UNIX
     style. These options are summarised in the  following  para-

     -Ak     On some implementations, some local data  structures
             are  stored  on  an auxiliary stack. Set the size of
             this stack to k Kbytes.  The  default  size  is  128
             Kbytes.  Ignored on implementations which do not use
             an auxiliary stack.

     -a      This option generates a .d file  for  use  with  the
             test  coverage  utility  tcov.  The .d file accummu-
             lates execution  data  for  the  corresponding  .mod
             file. See the Unix documentation tcov(1) for further
             information. This option is only available on  SunOS
             and Solaris versions of UNIX.

             Page align and pad the FORTRAN COMMON symbol _block.
             This option is passed straight to the linker ld.

     -Cstr   Generate  additional  code  to  check  for   runtime
             errors.  str  is a sequence of one or more digits in
             the range 0 to 1 which control the class  of  errors
             to be detected. In particular
             -C0     enables the detection of range errors.

             -C1     enables the  detection  of  undefined  value

             Multiple classes of detections may  be  achieved  by
             including  more  than  one digit in the string. Thus
             -C01 enables both range and  undefined  value  error
             detection.  The abbreviated form -C is equivalent to
             -C01 and enables full error detection. When the -epc
             option  is used, most error checks are omitted. How-
             ever some  of  the  runtime  libraries  make  checks
             unconditionally  for  a  small number of errors that
             are  potentially  catastrophic.   The  EPC  Modula-2
             User's  Reference Manual provides precise details of
             the error checking capabilities of this  implementa-

     -c      Suppress  the  linking  phase  of  compilation.  The
             object  program  will  be  left  in an equivalent .o
             file.  This  option  should  be  used  when  program
             modules  are  to  be  compiled  separately  and then
             linked at a later stage.

     -cg87   Ignored.

     -cg89   Ignored.

     -Dn     Control the level of post mortem diagnostic informa-
             tion  that  is provided following the detection of a
             runtime error.  n is a single digit  number  in  the
             range 0 to 4. In particular
             -D0     suppresses the production of all post mortem
                     diagnostics.  When  used with -g (see below)
                     it prevents the runtime system from  setting
                     up  signal  handlers.   The  main reason for
                     this is to allow the generation  of  a  core
                     file when an exception occurs. A side effect
                     of this is to  prevent  the  runtime  system
                     from  setting  up  its  own  signal handlers
                     which might possibly interfere  with  signal
                     handlers set up by the programmer.

             -D1     limits diagnostic information to  a  minimal
                     execution  trace  back  giving  the  set  of
                     active  blocks  at  the   time   the   error

             -D2     enables the production of a  full  execution
                     trace back including source line numbers for
                     the statement  causing  the  error  and  the
                     points  of  call  for  each  of  the  active

             -D3     supplements the trace back  with  a  partial
                     dump of scalar variables.

             -D4     supplements the trace back with a full vari-
                     able  dump  which  includes  a  treatment of
                     structured variables.

             The default setting for n is 1. The abbreviated form
             -D is equivalent to -D4.

     -df filename
             Perform a syntax and semantic check on  the  defini-
             tion module specified by "filename".

     -dm modulename
             Search for and perform a syntax and  semantic  check
             on the definition module specified by "modulename".

     -dryrun Cause the driver to do a 'dry run', ie. it will pro-
             cess its arguments but will not call the compiler or
             any other underlying utility. This is useful with -v
             allowing the user to see what commands would be exe-
             cuted by the driver.

     -E root Ignored.

     -e root Ignored.

     -epc    Select the EPC Modula-2 dialect and library suite.

     -F      Cause the compiler to fully evaluate BOOLEAN expres-
             sions. By default, if an operand of AND evaluates to
             FALSE, or an operand of OR evaluates  to  TRUE,  the
             remaining operands are ignored.

     -f      Specify a file of -m style options. Each line in the
             file must have one of the forms
             Leading blanks and lines whose first non-blank char-
             acter is hash (#) are ignored.

     -f1167  Generate code for the  Weitek  1167  floating  point
             accelerator.  Files compiled with this option should
             not be linked with files  compiled  with  the  -f387
             option.  Ignored  on  systems  not  based  on  Intel
             80386/80486 processors.

     -f68881 Generate code for the Motorola  M68881  coprocessor.

             Ignored on systems not based on Motorola processors.

     -fast   Reserved for future use.

     -ffpa   Generate code for the Sun Floating  Point  Accelera-
             tor. Ignored on systems not based on this hardware.

             Generate code for the Sun FPA+ Accelerator.  Ignored
             on systems not based on this hardware.

     -fpa    A synonym for the -f1167 option. Ignored on  systems
             not based on Intel 80386/80486 processors.

     -f387   Generate code for the  Intel  80387  floating  point
             processor. This option is selected by default by the
             compiler. Ignored on  systems  not  based  on  Intel
             80386/80486 processors.


     -fsoft  Ignored.


     -G      Produce a numbered compilation listing of all  lines
             in  the  source  files supplied as arguments. If the
             source file  holds  an  implementation  module,  the
             corresponding  definition  module  will be listed as

     -g      On some platforms this option  generates  additional
             information for use with an interactive debugger.

             On SunOS platforms information is generated for dbx.
             See  supporting  Unix  documentation  for additional
             information on dbx.

             On Solaris 2.x, SPARC SVR4 and Intel  SVR4  systems,
             information  is  generated  for  the EPC interactive
             debugger,  edb.  See  edb  documentation  for   more

             On other platforms the option is ignored.

             Where this option is enabled, it  also  affects  the
             behaviour  of  programs produced by the compiler. It
             ensures that a SIGTRAP signal is generated should  a
             runtime  check  or library error occur. This in turn
             generates a diagnostic traceback as would any  other
             signal.  If  however  diagnostics have been disabled
             (see -D above) then the runtime system  sets  up  no
             signal  handlers  of  its own. Unless the programmer
             has requested non-default signal behaviour then this
             usually  means  that a core file is generated when a
             signal occurs. The generation of a core file  allows
             a  debugger to perform a postmortem on a program and
             the generation of a signal when an exception  occurs
             allows a debugger to interactively trap exceptions.

     -help   Ignored.

     -Ifile  Takes file to be a full pathname. If file  does  not
             exist  it  is ignored. If file is a directory, it is
             added to the search path for definition modules  and
             the option -Lfile is passed to the linker. Otherwise
             file is assumed to be an archive  library  which  is
             added  to  the search path and file is passed to the

             On systems running AIX some extra processing is per-
             formed. If file ends with .a then a test is made for
             the existence of file_x.a otherwise a test  is  made
             for  the existence of file_x.  If the file exists, a
             corresponding -I argument is also passed to the com-
             piler. See the -i option for an explanantion.

     -iX     Specify that archive libX.a is to be  added  to  the
             library  set.  The  compiler will search in any file
             libX.a occurring in directories on the search  path.
             The option -lX is passed to the linker.

             On systems running AIX the archive libX_x.a is  also
             added  to  the  library set.  No equivalent -lX_x is
             passed to the linker however.

             The reason for this extra _x processing for  -i  and
             -I  is because of the AIX linker. On other UNIX sys-
             tems it is possible to  mix  .def  files  and  their
             corresponding  .o files in the same archive. The AIX
             linker will not accept such  files.   em2  therefore
             adopts  the  convention that .def files are put into
             archives distinguished by _x. For example,  the  Sun
             compatibility  library  provided  with  the compiler
             comes in  two  parts:  libSM2.a  for  .o  files  and
             libSM2_x.a  for  .def  files.  User libraries can be
             constructed similarly.

     -J      Ignored.

     -j      Specify that fields  of  a  record  are  not  to  be
             aligned  for  efficient  access but should be jammed
             together with no padding bytes. Ignored  on  systems
             not based on Intel 80x86 processors.

     -k      Reserved for future use.

     -keys   Ignored.

     -Ldir   Add dir to the list of  directories  searched  while
             processing  the  -l  option.  This  option is passed
             straight to the linker.

     -libmil Ignored.

     -list   This option is an alternative for -G.

     -lx     Similar to -i However, the option is just passed  to
             the  linker.   If  the  library  contains definition
             modules, then -i must be used.

     -Mdir   An alternative to -Idir.

     -m      Override the default association of a  module  iden-
             tifier  M with a corresponding file M.def.  When the
             is used, an import statement
                    FROM OldName IMPORT .. idents ..

             causes the  compiler  to  search  for  a  definition
             module in the file NewName.def.  When the form
             is used, an import statement
                    FROM Module IMPORT .. idents ..

             causes the compiler to read  the  definition  module
             from  the file FileName.  In either form a space may
             be inserted between the m and the module identifier.

     -map file

     -n      An alternative for -dryrun.

     -native Ignored.

             This option is used to disable  range  checking  for
             array  indices  and case selectors.  The same effect
             may be obtained by the compiler directive  T-.  This
             option should only be used in conjunction with -sun.


             This option is used to disable  range  checking  for
             assignments  to subrange types.  The same effect may
             be obtained  by  the  compiler  directive  R-.  This
             option should only be used in conjunction with -sun.

     -On     Optimize for code for execution speed. n is a single
             digit   expressing   the   level   of  optimization.
             Currently, the only value permitted  is  zero  which
             enables instruction scheduling on SPARC and Motorola
             M88K platforms. The form -O may be used to switch on
             all  available  optimisations.  This  option is only
             available on SunOS and Solaris versions of UNIX.

     -o file Place the run file generated by the  linker  in  the
             named  file  rather  than  a.out.  The  file will be
             created with the appropriate access  permissions  if
             it  does not already exist. When used in conjunction
             with -c the object code will be generated in file.o

     -P      Reserved for use by EPC.

     -p      Generates additional information for  use  with  the
             profiling  program  prof. See the Unix documentation
             prof(1) for further  information.   This  option  is
             only available on SunOS, Solaris and SPARC SVR4 ver-
             sions of UNIX.

     -pg     Generates additional information for  use  with  the
             profiling  program gprof. See the Unix documentation
             gprof(1) for further  information.  This  option  is
             only available on SunOS versions of UNIX.

     -pic    Produce position independent code. Each reference to
             a  global  datum  is generated as a dereference of a
             pointer to a global offset table. Each function call
             is  generated in pc-relative addressing mode through
             a procedure linkage table. The size  of  the  global
             offset  table is limited to 8K for SPARC processors.
             This option is only available on SunOS, Solaris  and
             SPARC SVR4 versions of UNIX.

     -PIC    Produce position independent  code,  but  allow  the
             global  offset  table  to  span  the range of 32-bit
             addresses. This option should be used in  preference
             to  pic  when there are too many global data objects
             for the  smaller  8K  table  to  accommodate.   This
             option is only available on SunOS, Solaris and SPARC
             SVR4 versions of UNIX.

     -pipe   Ignored.

     -Qoption program option
             Pass option to program. The option must be appropri-
             ate to program. program may be either em2compiler or

     -Qpath directory
             Insert directory into the search path  used  by  the
             compiler  to  locate source files. This path is also
             use to locate files such  as  the  startups  *crt*.o
             that are linked to the compiled program.


     -R      Ignored.

     -S      Generate a pseudo assembler listing to the  standard
             output file. Ignored on some systems.

     -sb     Ignored.

     -sun    Select the Sun Modula-2 dialect and  library  suite.
             This  option  also  has the effect of turning on all
             possible  range  checks.   These   checks   may   be
             suppressed  by  using  the  -norange  and  -nobounds

     -sun4   Ignored.

     -T      Reserved for future use.

     -t      Cause the compiler to output the name  of  the  file
             containing each imported module definition.

             Set the directory for  temporary  file  creation  to
             dir. The default is /tmp.

     -time   Ignored.

     -trace  Ignored.

     -U      Update object files for make(1). For each .mod  file
             on  the  command  line, the compiler will attempt to
             remove the object file  if  it  is  older  than  the
             source  file  or any of its imports. Implies -w, -y,
             -c and disables any -G or -t options. Any .def files
             given  will  be  ignored.  The  EPC  Modula-2 User's
             Reference Manual gives examples of how to  use  this
             option in make(1) scripts.

     -V      Ignored.

     -v      Cause the compiler driver to enter verbose mode  and
             print the commands and arguments which it issues.

     -w      Allows the compiler to suppress  warnings  regarding
             unused   variables   or   redundant  or  potentially
             insecure language constructs.

     -y      Suppress the generation of object code and  run  the
             compiler as a syntax and semantic checker.


     Control over the choice of dialect or libraries may also  be
     exercised   through   the   use  of  environment  variables.
     Currently, EPC  Modula-2  supports  three  variables  called

     The language dialect accepted by the compiler is decided  on
     the  basis of the options -sun and -epc, the contents of the
     environment variable EM2_DEFAULTS and the host computer sys-

     If -sun or -epc is specified on the command  line  then  the
     corresponding  dialect  and library are selected. If neither
     option is specified, the driver will consult the environment
     variable  EM2_DEFAULTS.  If  this is set to "-sun" or "-epc"
     then the appropriate dialect and library is selected. If the
     environment  variable is not found or not set, then then the
     choice depends upon the host system. For  platforms  running
     the  SunOS or Solaris version of UNIX, the default choice is
     -sun. For all other platforms, the default choice is -epc.

     By default, the compiler driver em2 will append an implemen-
     tation  dependent  set  of additional options to the command
     line. This set may be overridden by setting the  environment
     variable  EM2_OPTIONS to an alternative set.  EM2_OPTIONS is
     interpreted by em2 as though its value had  been  placed  on
     the command line as in
           em2 [ options ] .. files .. $EM2_OPTIONS
     The default setting for EM2_OPTIONS is usually
     "-I.  -I/usr/local/lib  -I/usr/lib   -I/lib   -i?M2   -iCEM2

     -lm  -lc"

     However on  SunOS  and  other  platforms  there  is  also  a
     -ltermcap option required
     "-I.  -I/usr/local/lib  -I/usr/lib   -I/lib   -i?M2   -iCEM2
     -ltermcap  -lm  -lc"

     When the Sun  dialect  is  specified,  the  ?  in  -i?M2  is
     replaced  by S with the effect that the Sun library suite is
     selected. When the EPC dialect is specified, ?  is  replaced
     with E with the effect that the EPC library is selected.

     It is possible to select the Sun dialect  but  use  the  EPC
     libraries  instead.  This may be done with a command line of
     the form
         em2 -sun p.mod -iEM2

     Similarily the Sun libraries may be selected  in  preference
         em2 -epc p.mod -iSM2

     Alternatively, the choice may be set permanently by  setting
     EM2_OPTIONS appropriately. For example the EPC libraries are
     selected with
     "-I. -I/usr/local/lib -I/usr/lib  -I/lib  -iEM2  -iCEM2  -lc

     On Intel 80x86 based systems where -fpa or -f1167  has  been
     selected   then   EM2_FPAOPTIONS   is   used   in  place  of
     EM2_OPTIONS. Its default setting is of the form
     "-I. -I/usr/local/lib -I/usr/lib -I/lib -i?M21167 -iCEM21167
     -lm1167 -lc1167"

     NOTE: Environment variable names beginning with the  charac-
     ters `EM2_' are reserved for possible future enhancements.


     file.def            definition module
     file.mod            implementation module
     file.o              object file
     file.a              module library
     a.out               executable run file
     em2                 compiler driver
     em2compiler         compiler binary
     em2list             compilation listing utility
     em2make             Modula-2 make utility
     em2errors           error messages
     libEM2.a            EPC Modula-2 library
     libSM2.a            Sun Modula-2 library
     libCEM2.a           Runtime support library


     em2 Make(1) A Modula-2 Program Make Utility
     EPC Modula-2 User's  Reference  Manual,  Edinburgh  Portable
     Compilers Limited, 1991.


     The diagnostics produced by em2  are  intended  to  be  self

                         Last Change:  EPCL