Afterthoughts On World Climate Change Conference 2003

Afterthoughts On the World Climate Change Conference 2003

Prepared by
Andreas Fischlin, conference participant and IPCC author

We enjoyed a great hospitality. Many thanks to our hosts and Russian colleagues! However, concerning the scientific content of the conference, we had also to struggle with considerable difficulties. Unfortunately, there were not only leading scientists present, but also some colleagues who used the conference to express personal, political opinions based on value judgement instead of scientific facts and rigorously derived, scientific insights and thorough understanding. Thereby, I believe, principles of proper scientific conduct were violated too often and sometimes, I am afraid having to say so, even systematically. This contrasts sharply with the principles upheld by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change), which allow only to assess the current knowledge based on the best available, peer reviewed scientific literature and which do not allow for any non-scientific value judgements, let alone policy recommendations.

A.N. Illarionov (advisor of President Putin) attended on Wednesday, 1st October, the conference and gave a presentation. He asked ten questions, eight of scientific, two more of a political nature (see document below). A.N. Illarionov (advisor of President Putin) attended the conference once more on the morning of the last day of the conference, 3rd October, to receive the answers to his questions. They were presented by Prof. Dr. Bert Bolin, emeritus chair of IPCC, on behalf of a group of scientists who had prepared these answers during the conference. A.N. Illarionov also received these answers in written form (see document above). Shortly afterwards, A.N. Illarionov gave a press conference (see below).


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