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    Module  DatFraAux     (DF_Version_2.2)

      Copyright (c) 1997-2006 by Andreas Fischlin and ETH Zurich.

    Purpose   Auxiliary routines for more advanced
              use of Data Frames. It basically extends the
              functionality of module DataFrames.

    Remarks   --


      o Design
        Andreas Fischlin          31/07/1997

      o Implementation
        Andreas Fischlin          31/07/1997

    ETH Zurich
    Systems Ecology
    CHN E 35.1
    Universitaetstrasse 16
    8092 Zurich


    Last revision of definition:  11/04/1998  AF&DG


  FROM DataFrames IMPORT ReadingFilter, ValDefType, dtfOffset;

    nosuchDataFrame     = dtfOffset + 10; (* insert Δ (=306C) is data frame's identifier *)
    idDlgCancelled      = dtfOffset + 11; (* insert Δ (=306C) is operation name *)
    missingIdent        = dtfOffset + 12; (* insert Δ (=306C) is operation name *)
    loadDFErrFromOp     = dtfOffset + 13; (* insert Δ (=306C) is name of loading operation *)
    internalMemExceeded = dtfOffset + 14; (* insert Δ (=306C) is name of operation *)
    retrMethFailsOnScal = dtfOffset + 15; (* inserts: Δ (=306C) - identifier, Δ (=306C) - retrieval method *)
    retrMethFailsOnVect = dtfOffset + 16; (* inserts: Δ (=306C) - identifier, Δ (=306C) - retrieval method *)
    (* see GetDFErrMsg for retrieving associated error messages *)

    maxDefsRemembered = 16;  (* maximum number of (re)definitions
                             remembered for any data frame *)
    onlyVectRetr = 0; (* see ListType and GetListOfIdents *)
    onlyScalRetr = 1;
    vectAndScalRetr = 2;

    (* activity constants *)
    scanNormally = 0; (* see AtSymbolDetectedProc and AddAtSymbolDetectedHandler *)
    skipSinceFilterMismatch = 1;
    circularFileRerence = 2;

    missHistory = "..."; (* string returned for a vector element
                         denoting the missing history in case it
                         exceeds maxDefsRemembered *)

    DataFramHandler = PROCEDURE ( DataFrame );
    DataFrameFileProc = PROCEDURE ( DataFrameFile );
    ListType = [onlyVectRetr..vectAndScalRetr];
    AtSymbolDetectedProc = PROCEDURE
               ( BOOLEAN,        (* true if a data frame *)
                 ARRAY OF CHAR,  (* data frame identifier or path and file name *)
                 INTEGER,        (* activity: scanNormally, or skipSinceFilterMismatch etc. *)
                 INTEGER,        (* number of files currently open *)
                 VAR BOOLEAN );  (* if true, continue loading, otherwise abort *)

    AnyDFChangedHandler = PROC;

    unknownDataFrame: DataFrame;           (* READ ONLY *)
    unknownDataFrameFile: DataFrameFile;   (* READ ONLY *)

  PROCEDURE IsDataFrameKnown(df: DataFrame): BOOLEAN;

  PROCEDURE FirstDataFrame(): DataFrame;
  PROCEDURE NextDataFrame(df: DataFrame): DataFrame;
  PROCEDURE FindDataFrame(dataFrameIdent: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                          VAR df: DataFrame; VAR found: BOOLEAN);

  PROCEDURE GetDataFrameIdent(df: DataFrame;
                              VAR dataFrameIdent: ARRAY OF CHAR);
      Returns the identifier (dataFrameIdent) of the data frame df.

  PROCEDURE GetDataFrameAttrIdents(df: DataFrame;
                                   VAR parentIdent,modelIdent,
                                       keyColumn: ARRAY OF CHAR);
      Returns the identifiers (parentIdent or modelIdent, plus
      keyColumn) of the data frame df.  Only either parentIdent
      or modelIdent are returned, depending whether the data
      frame was defined with the reserved keyword "OF PARENT"
      or "OF MODEL".  Note data frames using different
      identifiers (to avoid implicit dropping) but the same
      parentIdent (respectively modelIdent) are all treated like
      a group of related data frames.  From such a group value
      definitions can be retrieved using the same identifier
      (e.g.  modelIdent) as if all data frames belonging to the
      group would form a single huge data frame merging all its
      components.  This technique allows you to tabulate all
      value definitions belonging to a particular model in
      several formats, e.g.  in one data frame with a format
      useful to tabulate the model's parameters with standard,
      minimum, and maximum values, and to list in another data
      frame the model's state variables with only their initial
      values etc.

  PROCEDURE InspectDataFrame(df: DataFrame;
                             VAR nrOfDefs,
                                 totalVectValDefs, totalScalarValDefs: INTEGER;
                                 sepChar: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                             VAR defNos, parentIdents, keyColumns, remarks,
                                 maxRows, maxCols,
                                 storedOnFsWithName, fileNos: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                             VAR fromFilters, tillFilters: ARRAY OF ReadingFilter;
                             VAR resCode: INTEGER);
      Returns detailed attributes of df:

      - nrOfDefs returns how many definitions of the data
        frame with identifier dataFrameIdent have been found
        during any calls of ReadDataFramesIntoMemory (of course
        only resulting from calls since the last drop of df);
        Note, in case that multiple definitions were detected
        during ReadDataFramesIntoMemory, the old data frame is
        entirely deleted from memory and only the last read is
        stored (implicit overwriting without warning); Note also,
        if this number has changed since the last call of a
        client to InspectDataFrame, the client learns that the
        df's content could have been modified in the
        meantime. Finally, note that any modification results
        also in the deletion of the old data frame, i.e. if the
        client has requested a notification of any data frame
        deletion for df by calling AddDFDropHandler(df,..., she/he
        will be notified of this fact anyway.

          IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION: Only maxDefsRemembered of
          definitions are actually kept in memory for inspection.
          For the client's convenience the first few plus the
          last ones to a total of maxDefsRemembered are actually
          available for inspection.  This is especially important
          for the arguments defNos, parentIdents, keyColumns,
          remarks, maxRows, maxCols, storedOnFsWithName, fileNos,
          fromFilters, and tillFilters as explained in
          more details below.

      - totalVectValDefs returns the maximum total number of value
        definitions (vector retrieval) currently available from df.

      - totalScalarValDefs returns the maximum total number of value
        definitions (scalar retrieval) currently available from df.

          IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION: Above 2 numbers are valid
          only for data frame df und thus reflects only a
          potential maximum of value definitions, since some of
          the value definitions provided by df may be obsolete,
          for instance because another data frame may provides
          data for same value definition(s) or some may be
          overwritten even within df itself (e.g.  in case of scalar
          retrieval).  Use GetListOfIdents to learn about the exact
          number of identifiers a particular data frame provides.

      - defNos contains the numbers of the definition of a data frame.
        Counting of definitions starts with 1 and ends always with the
        most recent one.

          Similar to most subsequent arguments, values are returned as
          strings only and might need conversions if you wish to use
          them in calculations (see module DMConversions).  To extract
          individual elements use a loop similar to this one

            i := 0;
              (*. *** do with substring subStr what you want *** .*)
            UNTIL i(*speed-up*)
                                   VAR last: ARRAY OF CHAR);
               VAR i: INTEGER;
               i := 0;
               WHILE i(*WHILE*);
             END ExtractLast;

          If the history of the data frame exceeds the maximum
          remembered definitions (nrOfDefs>maxDefsRemembered), then
          defNos contains first the oldest definitions and ends with
          the newest one.  This supports easier analysis of complex
          data frame loading; thus, the forgotten information is
          missing from the list in its middle.  If this happens the
          returned list contains somewhere inbetween just one
          additional element with the marker "..." ( = missHistory.
          Note also, the vector thus contains nrOfDefs+1 elements!).
          This behavior is not oly true for defNos, but also for
          almost all following arguments, i.e.  parentIdents,
          keyColumns, remarks, maxRows, maxCols, storedOnFsWithName,
          fileNos, fromFilters, and tillFilters (instead of
          missHistory fromFilters, and tillFilters contain
          DataFrames.undefLongInt as a marker).

      - parentIdents (or model identifiers) contains the parent
        identifier(s) (in case no parent or model identifier has
        been used for df, parentIdents is the empty string).
        Remember, the optional parentIdents is used to denote a
        particular value definition, since it forms the first part
        of a data frame entry (see example below under procedures
        DataFrames.VR etc.).

      - keyColumns contains the identifier(s) of the column
        holding the keys used to designate rows (in case no such
        key columns have been used in any data frame with
        dataFrameIdent, keyColumns is the empty string).

      - remarks contains the data frame's remarks (in case no such
        remark has been attached to a data fame, the empty string is

      - maxRows returns the number(s) of the last row (row
        numbers start from 1) of each df

      - maxCols returns the number(s) of the last column
        (column numbers start from 1) of each df

      - storedOnFsWithName holds the names (preceeded by the
        access path) of the files on which definitions of the
        data frame (all definitions with the same identifier
        dataFrameIdent) have been found.

      - fileNos contains the numbers associated with files. This
        number is assigned to files while loading data frames and
        denotes each file in a unique way during the existence of any
        data frames which have been read from this particular file

      - fromFilters and tillFilters return the nrOfDefs
        filters used during the reading process of the data frame
        df. For the meaning of these filters see module DataFrames.

      - resCode returns whether the data frame definition is
        without errors (resCode = Errors.allOk) especially in
        case of multiple redefinitions (nrOfDefs>1) errors may
        ocurr because the key columns definitions don't match in
        all definitions or other inconsistencies).

  PROCEDURE InspectValDef(ident: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                          VAR vectRetr: BOOLEAN;
                          VAR nrOfDefs: INTEGER;
                          VAR fdt: ARRAY OF ValDefType;
                              sepChar: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                          VAR vals, dfIdents,
                              parentIdents, keyColumns: ARRAY OF CHAR);
      InspectValDef allows to learn about all attributes of
      possible interest for any value definition denoted by
      identifier ident (see module DataFrames for the syntax of
      ident).  In contrast to accompanying routines from module
      DataFrames, such as GetValDefType, this routine returns
      characteristics of all occurrences of the definition.  This
      is of particular interest in case of multiple definitions
      (nrOfDefs>1).  In such cases all routines from DataFrames,
      like GetIVec, or GetValDefType return only the last
      instance, i.e.  the valid instance, for that particular
      ident (all previous ones are ignored).  However, routine
      InspectValDef makes it possible to learn about all present
      instances of value definitions. The last one is the instance
      which would actually be retrieved with any retrieval routine
      from module DataFrames such as VB or GetLRVec.

      - vectRetr returns wether the value definition is a vector
        retrieval or not

          CASE vectRetr OF
          | TRUE:  A vector, i.e. all values contained in an entire
                   column of the data frame's table is targeted
                   for retrieval. E.g.  ident = "SiteEdaphics.Site"

          | FALSE: only a scalar, i.e. a single value is targeted
                   for retrieval.  E.g.  ident =
                   "SiteEdaphics.Bern.SiteID", then the value
                   from the column headed by SiteID from the row
                   where the value in the key column is the
                   string "Bern" is the wanted value.

      - nrOfDefs returns the number of instances found in the
        data frames currently hold in memory

      Note, all other parameters are actually vectors with the dimension
      nrOfDefs (or nrOfDefs+1 if nrOfDefs > maxDefsRemembered).  In case of
      vectors consisting of strings, elements are returned within the same
      string parameter, but separated by sepChar, e.g.  "|".

      - fdt returns the types of every found instance of the value

      - sepChar, typically "|", is used to delimit invidiual
        vector elements returned by the following string

      - vals returns in case of vector retrieval (e.g. ident =
        "SiteEdaphics.Bucketsize") the length of the vectorial
        value definitions, i.e.  the number of rows of the data
        frame table in which the vector was found.

        In case of scalar retrieval (e.g.  ident =
        "SiteEdaphics.Bern.Bucketsize") vals returns all values
        of the found value definitions converted to strings to
        allow for any mixture of numbers and strings.

      - dfIdents returns the identifiers of the data frames
        in which the instance(s) of the value definition was
        detected.  Note in case that the same value definition is
        made within the same data frame, the same data frame
        identifier is listed several times in dfIdents to allow
        for proper association among the various vector
        elements at all times.

      - parentIdents returns the parent or model identifiers (Note,
        this vector is not entirely redundant to the input
        parameter ident, since there may be data frames present
        which use the predefined model identifiers ANY or ALL,
        which potentially affect any value definition and which
        have a specific meaning when data frames are used in
        conjunction with RAMSES models, see module ModelObjects).

      - keyColumns returns the identifiers of the key columns which
        are required by scalar retrieval (e.g.  ident =
        "SiteEdaphics.Bern.Bucketsize" requires a key column
        holding in a row an entry "Bern").

      Ex.: For the following data frame (the only one present)

          DATAFRAME SiteParams;
          REMARK = 'Swiss site characteristics';
          KEYCOLUMN = Site; DATA:
             Site           Bucketsize    SiteID;
             "Bern"         30.0          333333  ;
             "Bever S"      20.0          222222  ;
             "Davos"        25.0          666666  ;
             "Bern"         40.0          333333  ;
          END SiteParams;

      the call


      returns:  vectRetr = FALSE
                fdt[0] = real, fdt[1] = real  fdt[2+] = undefined
                nrOfDefs = 2
                vals = "30.0|40.0"
                dfIdents = "SiteParams|SiteParams"
                parentIdents = ""
                keyColumns = "SiteID"

      Note, in this case fdt contains identical elements only,
      otherwise SiteEdaphis would not have been read successfully
      into memory and nrOfDefs would be 0.  However, in the following

          DATAFRAME SiteEdaphics1; MODEL = MyModel;
          REMARK = 'Swiss sites';
          KEYCOLUMN = Site; DATA:
             Site           Bucketsize    SiteID;
             "Bern"         30            333333  ;
             "Bever S"      20            222222  ;
             "Davos"        25            666666  ;
             "Bern"         40            333333  ;
          END SiteEdaphics1;

          DATAFRAME SiteEdaphics2; MODEL = ANY;
          REMARK = 'Miscellaneous sites';
          KEYCOLUMN = SiteName; DATA:
             SiteName       Bucketsize    SiteID;
             "Medicine Hat" 30.0          333333  ;
             "Churchill"    25.0          999999  ;
             "Vancouver"    20.0          111111  ;
             "Bern"         40.0          333333  ;
             "Davos"        25.0          666666  ;
          END SiteEdaphics2;

      the call


      returns:  vectRetr = FALSE
                fdt[0] = real, fdt[1] = integer, fdt[2] = integer
                nrOfDefs = 3
                vals = "40.0|30|40"
                dfIdents = "SiteEdaphics2|SiteEdaphics1|SiteEdaphics1"
                parentIdents = "ANY|MyModel|MyModel"
                keyColumns = "SiteName|Site"

     Note, any data frames belonging to model ANY will be found
     first, since they serve as overwritable defaults for any
     value definition ("ANY.Bern.BucketSize" is accepted in case
     no "MyModel.Bern.BucketSize" can be found in any data frame
     currently present).  This is true regardless of the sequence
     in which data frames are read.

     Note, it is always possible to retrieve value definitions with the
     vector retrieval method, hereby just ignoring the key columns. E.g.
     the call


      returns:  vectRetr = TRUE
                fdt[0] = real, fdt[1] = integer, fdt[2+] = undefined
                nrOfDefs = 2
                vals = "5|4"
                dfIdents = "SiteEdaphics2|SiteEdaphics1"
                parentIdents = "ANY|MyModel"
                keyColumns = "SiteName|Site"


    (* regular retrieval methods *)
      retrAsUndef     = 0;
      (* scalar retrieval *)
      retrAsInt       = 1;
      retrAsReal      = 2;
      retrAsBool      = 3;
      retrAsIdent     = 4;
      retrAsStr       = 5;
      (* vector retrieval *)
      retrAsIntVect   = 6;
      retrAsRealVect  = 7;
      retrAsBoolVect  = 8;
      retrAsIdentVect = 9;
      retrAsIdsStr    =10;
      retrAsStrVect   =11;
      retrAsSStrsStr  =12;
    (* special retrieval methods *)
      getUnknown      =13;
      getType         =14;
      getDim          =15;
      getKeyCol       =16;
      getSubKeyCol    =17;

    minRetrieveMethod = 0;
    maxRetrieveMethod = 17;

    SimpleRetrieveMethod = [retrAsUndef..retrAsSStrsStr];
    SpecialRetrieveMethod = [getUnknown..getSubKeyCol];
    RetrieveMethod = [minRetrieveMethod..maxRetrieveMethod];

  PROCEDURE RetrieveAValDef (vdident: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                             how: SimpleRetrieveMethod;
                             sepChar: ARRAY OF CHAR; decDig: CARDINAL;
                             VAR retrievedValue: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                             VAR n: INTEGER);
      Retrieves for value definition identifier vdident by
      using the method how the value in retrievedValue in form
      of a string.  In case of vector retrieval sepChar is used
      to delimit individual elements of the vector when
      assigning them to retrievedValue.  decDig specifies the
      number of decimal digits used to retrieve reals.  Note,
      this routine retrieves all numbers (integers and reals)
      with double precision.  n returns the number of values
      retrievable (may be larger than data actually returned in
      retrievedValue, in case the latter is too small or some
      internal memory limitations have been exceeded (see error
      code internalMemExceeded)).

  PROCEDURE RetrieveForValDef (vdident: ARRAY OF CHAR; forType: ValDefType;
                               how: SpecialRetrieveMethod;
                               subKeyIdent, sepChar: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                               decDig: CARDINAL;
                               VAR retrievedValue: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                               VAR n: INTEGER);
      Retrieves for value definition identifier vdident by
      using the method how the value in retrievedValue in form
      of a string.  In case of vector retrieval sepChar is used
      to delimit individual elements of the vector when
      assigning them to retrievedValue.  decDig specifies the
      number of decimal digits used to retrieve reals.  Note,
      this routine retrieves all numbers (integers and reals)
      with double precision.  n returns the number of values
      retrievable (may be larger than data actually returned in
      retrievedValue, in case the latter is too small or some
      internal memory limitations have been exceeded (see error
      code internalMemExceeded)).

  PROCEDURE ConvertValDefTypeToString (vdt: ValDefType;
                                      VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR);
      Auxiliary procedure which returns in str the string associated
      with the type vdt.  The values of str correspond to the
      definition of ValDefType from module DataFrames.

  PROCEDURE ConvertRetrieveMethodString (retrMeth: RetrieveMethod;
                                         VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR);
      Auxiliary procedure which returns in str the string
      associated with the retrieve method retrMeth.  The values
      of str correspond to the names of the procedures from
      module DataFrames.

  PROCEDURE InspectDataFrameFile(dff: DataFrameFile;
                                 VAR pfn: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                                 VAR fileNo: INTEGER;
                                 VAR creationDate, modifDate: LONGINT);
      Returns for the file denoted by dff the path and name string
      pfn containing data frames, the file's number fileNo, plus the
      creation and modification date (allows for efficient use in
      relations; to translate the returned number into a human
      readable format, use procedure InterpreteSeconds from optional
      'Dialog Machine' module DMClock).  You can access all data
      frame files which have been used during the laoding of the
      data frames currently in memory.  (NOTE: There is no
      limitation to the number of files remembered, i.e.  the
      limitation maxDefsRemembered does not apply for data frame
      files themselves; maxDefsRemembered is only relevant for the
      number of redefinitions of the data frames which are
      remembered, i.e.  the memory holding e.g.  the comments which
      were in the previously loaded data frames or the filters which
      were used during loading etc.).

      The unique number fileNo is assigned consequtively during
      loading of data frames and remains fixed during the entire
      existence of an individual data frame file. I.e., fileNo
      denotes only a particular file with a specific path and
      file name (Note, however, this has nothing to do with the
      data frame file's content. The same data frame file can be
      reread with DataFrames.ReadDataFramesIntoMemory as many
      times you want, possibly each time with a new content, but
      fileNo won't change and remains associated with this file).
            There is one exception to this rule, however: When a
      particular file is reread which has previously no longer
      been used by any data frame, the file will have been
      completely forgotten and will therefore obtain a new fileNo
      during successful rereading.
            Only if all data frames are dropped (see routines
      DropDataFrame or DataFrames.DropAllDataFrames), the
      numbering starts anew.

  PROCEDURE GetListOfIdents(df: DataFrame; sepChar: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                            lt: ListType;
                            VAR intIds, realIds, boolIds, strIds, idIds: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                            VAR ni,nr,nb,ns,nd,vectDim: INTEGER);
      Returns for data frame df in intIds, realIds, boolIds,
      strIds, and idIds nr, ni, nb, ns, and nd respectively,
      number of identifiers, separated from each other by
      sepChar, typically "|".  The identifiers are a complete
      list of all those identifiers which define the value
      definitions provided by the data frame df.  The
      identifiers are grouped into integer numbers (integer,
      longint), real numbers (singlereal, doublereal), boolean,
      and strings (identifier, string) (see DataFrames
      ValDefType).  Depending on lt the list are formed
      differently: If lt = onlyVectRetr then each list contains
      only the identifiers for vector retrieval.  If lt =
      onlyScalRetr then each list contains only the identifiers
      for scalar retrieval.  If lt = vectAndScalRetr then each
      list contains first the identifiers for vector retrieval
      followed by those for scalar retrieval.  vectDim returns
      the dimension of the vectors for vector retrievals.

  PROCEDURE FindDataFrameFile(pfn: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR dff: DataFrameFile);
       Given a path and name string pfn, the associated dff is
       returned, which may be used to inspect the data frame
       file via routine InspectDataFrameFile.  IMPLEMENTATION
       RESTRICTION: This routine must not be called from within
       a data frame file procedure (see also routine

  PROCEDURE DoForAllDataFrameFiles(dffproc: DataFrameFileProc);
      For any data frame file currently known the procedure
      dffproc is executed.  IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION:
      FindDataFrameFile must not be called from within dffproc.

  PROCEDURE DropDataFrame(VAR df: DataFrame);
      Deletes data frame df and frees memory.  Note, any
      currently known drop handlers of data frame df, which were
      installed via routine AddDFDropHandler will be called
      automatically.  There is no need to call a drop handler
      yourself, even if you are its owner.  Finally all currently
      installed AnyDFChangedHandler will also be called.

  PROCEDURE AddAnyDFChangedHandler   (adfchghdl: AnyDFChangedHandler);
  PROCEDURE VoidAnyDFChangedHandler  (adfchghdl: AnyDFChangedHandler);
      Any client who has installed a procedure adfchghdl will be
      notified in case any data frame is loaded (see procedures
      ReadDataFramesIntoMemory and LoadDataFrames from module
      DataFrames) or dropped (see procedures DropDataFrame (this
      module) and/or DropAllDataFrames from DataFrames). A typical use of
      this mechanisms is to update a view of the data frames (e.g.
      module DatFraViewer uses this mechanism). The notification takes
      always place after the change has fully been completed.

  PROCEDURE AddDFDropHandler   (df: DataFrame; dfdhdl: DataFramHandler);
  PROCEDURE VoidDFDropHandler  (df: DataFrame; dfdhdl: DataFramHandler);
      Any client who has installed a DataFramHandler procedure will
      be notified in case the data frame df is about to be dropped
      (see procedures DropDataFrame and/or DropAllDataFrames).  This
      occurrs before the actual discarding of the data frame and all
      operations (except DropDataFrame) are still fully functional.

  PROCEDURE AddAtSymbolDetectedHandler ( asdh : AtSymbolDetectedProc );
  PROCEDURE VoidAtSymbolDetectedHandler( asdh : AtSymbolDetectedProc );
      Any client who has installed a handler of type
      AtSymbolDetectedProc will be notified as soon as the loading
      process of module DataFrames (see routines
      ReadDataFramesIntoMemory and LoadDataFrames) detects an object.
      This may happen for two kinds of objects: symbol 'FileReference'
      and symbol 'DataFrame' (see syntax description of data frames in
      module DataFrames).  As soon as the name of the file (string
      'fileName') or the identifier of a data frame (identifier
      'dataFrameIdent') is scanned, asdh will be called.  asdh gets
      then a chance to learn about the kind of object encountered,
      i.e.  whether it is a data frame or not, its identifier (in case
      of a data frame) or its file name (in case of a file reference),
      respectively.  Then it is possible to learn about the action to
      be taken by the loading process, whether the object will be
      fully scanned and loaded or skipped due to a filter mismatch or
      not scanned due to a circular reference to a file currently
      already open.  The last parameter available is the number of
      files currently opened simultaneously by the loading process.
      Finally asdh can determine whether the loading process should
      continue or not.  This is accomplished by returning a value for
      the boolean parameter 'continue' to the calling loading process.
      Note, initally the software package data frame uses a handler
      which returns always TRUE for 'continue'.  A typical application
      installing an asdh procedure, will use asdh to report about the
      progress of the loading process and possibly to allow for user
      interruption of the loading process.

      IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION: It is actually only possible to add
      a single asdh handler at a time.  Thus, calling
      VoidAtSymbolDetectedHandler will always reinstall the internally
      provided default handler.
      NOTE: DatFraViewer already uses AddAtSymbolDetectedHandler to
      install an asdh procedure.

      Returns data frame package specific message msg associated
      with result code resCode.  Note, this routine does also
      retrieve the error messages from module DataFrames.  See
      module Errors for more details.

  PROCEDURE SetDFFileType(    fileType: ARRAY OF CHAR);
      Returns or allows to set the filetype used for data frame
      files.  The argument fileType may actually contain
      several types, each given by up to a maximum of 4
      characters. The first element is the one to be used
      with highest priority. Initial default: "XLS |TEXT|MoTx" (but
      actually depends on the values used by the RAMSES shell
      and can be fully customized (see resource of type 'STR#',
      ID = 7000 in RAMSES shell)).

END DatFraAux.

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