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RAMSES Lib Quick Reference
                                 RAMSES RMSLib

          Copyright (c) 1990-2006 by Andreas Fischlin and ETH Zurich.


  (*#####        C L I E N T   I N T E R F A C E   M O D U L E S        #####*)

   The author reserves the right to make changes, additions, and improvements
   to the software or documentation at any time without notice to any person or
   organization; no guarantee is made that further versions of either will be
   compatible with any  other version.

   The author hereby disclaims any and all guarantees and warranties on the
   software or its documentation, both expressed or implied.  No liability
   of any form shall be assumed by the author.  Any user of this sofware uses
   it at his or her own risk and no fitness for any purpose whatsoever nor
   waranty of merchantability are claimed or implied.

(*===========================     RMSDebugHelp     ============================*)

  PROCEDURE ShowLevels( procName: ARRAY OF CHAR; anInt: INTEGER; size: LONGINT ); 
  PROCEDURE ActivateHeapTrace; 

(*  ============================     E N D     ==============================  *)

                 RMSLib may be freely copied but not for profit!

  Contact Last updated: 25-Jul-2011 [Top of page]