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    Module  DatFraViewer     (DF_Version_2.2)

      Copyright (c) 1997-2006 by Andreas Fischlin and ETH Zurich.

    Purpose   Allows to inspect all currently present
              data frames as stored in memory
              (see module DataFrames).

    Remarks   The default viewer's window is sized to fill
              about 2 thirds of the main screen


      o Design
        Andreas Fischlin          27/07/1997

      o Implementation
        Andreas Fischlin          27/07/1997

    ETH Zurich
    Systems Ecology
    CHN E 35.1
    Universitaetstrasse 16
    8092 Zurich


    Last revision of definition:  10/04/1998  AF


  FROM DMWindows IMPORT WindowFrame;
  FROM DataFrames IMPORT ReadingFilter, ValDefType;
  FROM DatFraAux IMPORT SimpleRetrieveMethod, SpecialRetrieveMethod;

  (* see module DataFrames for codes used for errors & messages *)

  (*#####   Basic activation of data frame viewer   #####*)

  PROCEDURE MakeDatFraViewer;
  PROCEDURE DiscardDatFraViewer;
      Installs respectively discards the data frame viewer's standard
      user interface.  It consists of a window, the data frame viewer's
      window, and a menu with commands to operate the data frame viewer.
      The most important commands are the loading of data frames from
      disk files into memory (see below routine
      LoadDataFramesFromAnchor), the viewing (see below e.g.  routine
      ShowDataFrames) and the unloading of data frames from memory (see
      below routine UnloadDataFrames).  All functions of the data frame
      viewer are also available via a client interface, i.e.  the
      standard user interface can be entirely bypassed, e.g.  by calling
      ShowDataFrames from a program and by redirect its output to another
      window or a file.

  (*#####   Loading/Unloading of data frames   #####*)

  PROCEDURE LoadDataFramesFromAnchor (VAR anchorfn: ARRAY OF CHAR);
      LoadDataFramesFromAnchor loads data frames by starting
      the reading process from the anchor file with the name
      anchorfn.  If anchorfn is the empty string, the user may
      select an anchor via the standard file opening dialog
      (see also module DataFrames).  Loading takes place
      selectively by regarding only data frames which match the
      reading filter tillFilter or file references which match
      fromFilter according to the rules explained in module
      DataFrames (see also routines EditFilters, GetFilters,
      and SetFilters from this module).  All other items are
      ignored during the loading process (see module
      DataFrames).  If the routine was successful, anchorfn
      returns the actual file name (preceeded by path) used as
      anchor file.

  PROCEDURE UnloadDataFrames;
      UnloadDataFrames frees the memory and deletes all data
      frames currently in memory.

  PROCEDURE UnloadDataFrame(VAR dataframeident: ARRAY OF CHAR);
      UnloadDataFrame unloads just the single data frame with
      identifier dataframeident.  If dataframeident is the
      empty string, a dialog is offered to enter the string at
      run time.  If the routine was successful dataframeident
      returns the data frame identifier of the actually dropped
      data frame.

  (*#####   Display (show) data frames and value definitions   #####*)

    Note, some of the following routines offer an editing
    dialog for its parameters if the actual argument is the
    empty string.  Yet, internally the module remembers the
    last edited identifier, hereby making the data entry for
    the user more convenient.  Thus, you can call any of these
    routines each time with an empty string and still have the
    last entered data there for editing, e.g.  to correct a
    typo etc.  Yet, you can use the returned identifier in any
    subsequent code to perform some action in addition to what
    DatFraViewer did already, which may involve the identifier.

  (*=====   Data Frame Specific Operations   =====*)

  PROCEDURE ShowDataFrames;
  PROCEDURE ShowDataFramesRemarks;
      List all currently in memory stored data frames.
      ShowDataFrames shows all basic data, ShowDataFramesRemarks
      shows partially the same basic information like
      ShowDataFrames, but shows mainly just the usually long remarks
      of each data frame, which need most of the space available in
      the viewer's window.

  PROCEDURE ShowValDefIdentifiers (VAR dataframeident: ARRAY OF CHAR);
      Lists for a specific data frame denoted by dataframeident
      (see module DataFrames) all the identifiers it provides
      for value definitions as currently available.  If
      dataframeident is the empty string, a dialog is offered
      to enter the string at run time.  dataframeident serves
      as an in/out parameter and returns the identifier the
      user has edited.

  (*=====   Individual Value Definitions   =====*)

  PROCEDURE ShowValueDefinition (VAR ident: ARRAY OF CHAR);
      Lists for a specific value definition given by ident (see
      module DataFrames) its hosting data frames and its
      history of redefinitions as currently stored in memory.
      If ident is the empty string, a dialog is offered to
      enter the string at run time.  ident serves as an in/out
      parameter and returns the identifier the user has edited.

  PROCEDURE RetrieveValue (VAR ident: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR forType: ValDefType;
                           VAR sepChar: CHAR;
                           VAR retrValue: ARRAY OF CHAR);
      Lists for a specific value definition given by ident (see
      module DataFrames) and its type forType its actual values
      as currently stored in memory.  If ident is the empty
      string, a dialog (calls EditSimpleRetrieveMethod) is
      offered to enter the string at run time.  ident serves as
      an in/out parameter and returns the identifier the user
      has edited.  sepChar is a in/out parameter and specifies
      which retrieval method is to be used in case forType is a
      string or identifier (see module DataFrames procedures
      GetSs vs.  GetSVec and GetIds vs.  GetIdVec, sepChar = 0C
      => GetSVec or GetIdVec is used instead of GetSs or
      GetIds, respectively).  retrValue returns the retrieved
      values found, in case of vector retrieval separated by a
      delimiting character (see parameter sepChar of routine
      SetPreferences this module).

  PROCEDURE RetrieveSpecialValue (VAR ident: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR forType: ValDefType;
                                  VAR specRetrMeth: SpecialRetrieveMethod;
                                  VAR subKeyIdent, retrValue: ARRAY OF CHAR);
      Lists for a specific value definition given by ident (see
      module DataFrames) and its type forType its associated
      data as requested by specRetrMeth.  If ident is the empty
      string, a dialog (calls EditSpecialRetrieveMethod) is
      offered to enter the string at run time.  ident serves as
      an in/out parameter and returns the identifier the user
      has edited.  In case specRetrMeth is getSubKeyCol
      subKeyIdent (also in/out) denotes the identifier of the
      column holding the sub keys.  retrValue returns the
      retrieved values found, in case of vector retrieval
      separated by a delimiting character (see parameter
      sepChar of routine SetPreferences this module).

  PROCEDURE EditSimpleRetrieveMethod (VAR ident: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                                      VAR retrMeth: SimpleRetrieveMethod;
                                      VAR okeyed: BOOLEAN);
      Generally applicable utility which offers a dialogue to
      edit the identifier ident and to choose a retrieval
      method retrMeth as exported by module DatFraAux for all
      methods falling within SimpleRetrieveMethod.  retrMeth
      serves as an in/out parameter.  okeyed returns wether the
      user accepted the editing by pressing 'OK'.  This routine
      is used by procedure RetrieveValue from this module.

  PROCEDURE EditSpecialRetrieveMethod (VAR ident: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                                       VAR retrMeth: SpecialRetrieveMethod;
                                       VAR forType: ValDefType;
                                       VAR subKeyIdent: ARRAY OF CHAR;
                                       VAR okeyed: BOOLEAN);
      Generally applicable utility which offers a dialogue to
      edit the identifier ident and to choose a retrieval
      method retrMeth as exported by module DatFraAux for all
      methods falling within SpecialRetrieveMethod.  forType
      returns the value definition type the user has chosen.
      subKeyIdent returns the identifier of the subky column
      chosen by the user.  All parameters, i.e.  ident,
      retrMeth, forType, and subKeyIdent (except okeyed), serve
      as in/out parameters.  okeyed returns wether the user
      accepted the editing by pressing 'OK'.  This routine
      is used by procedure RetrieveSpecialValue from this module.

  (*#####   Customization of the data frame viewer's appearance   #####*)

  (*=====   Controlling Viewer's Output   =====*)

  PROCEDURE OpenDataFrameViewer;
    (* Opens the data frame viewer's window *)

  PROCEDURE IsDatFraViewerOpen(): BOOLEAN;
      Returns whether the data frame viewer's window is currently open

  PROCEDURE ClearDatFraViewer;
      Clears the content of the data frame viewer's window.

    OutMReadyProc = PROCEDURE(): BOOLEAN;
      Type of procedures required to test whether any output producing
      routines of this module, such as ShowDataFrames etc., can actually
      make the output and to redirect the output to that media.

  PROCEDURE IsDatFraViewerReadyForOutput(): BOOLEAN;
      Is of type OutMReadyProc and returns the same value as
      IsDatFraViewerOpen, i.e.  if data frame viewer's window is
      currently open, but, as a side effect, this routine makes this
      window also ready to receive output by calling
      DMWindIO.SelectForOutput(data frame viewer's window).  Given
      data frame viewer's window is actually open,
      IsDatFraViewerReadyForOutput diverts any subsequent DMWindIO
      output to this window.  The main routines such as ShowDataFrames
      of this module allow for redirecting their output. A typical routine
      which redirects output to another window as that window offered by
      this module, can be easily implemented as this:

           myOutWindow: Window;

         PROCEDURE MyWindowIsReadyForOutput(): BOOLEAN;
           VAR myOutWindowExists: BOOLEAN;
           myOutWindowExists := WindowExists(myOutWindow);
           IF myOutWindowExists THEN
           RETURN myOutWindowExists
         END MyWindowIsReadyForOutput;

      NOTE: All following procedures make some output, e.g.  to report
      on the success of the operation to the user or to show the
      results of the operation.  The output is always directed to a
      medium and will be suppressed in case that medium is not ready
      to receive output.  This module uses by default
      IsDatFraViewerReadyForOutput to determine whether any output is
      possible.  Use routine InstallWriteProcs (described below) to
      redirect the output and to provide your own OutMReadyProc.

  (*=====   Redirecting Viewer's Output   =====*)

  PROCEDURE CaptureOutputOnFile(VAR pfn: ARRAY OF CHAR);
  PROCEDURE StopOutputCapturing;
      Captures all output generated by routines from this
      module also on a file (until StopOutputCapturing is
      called) with the name pfn (may contain a path).  If pfn
      is the empty string the standard file saving dialog is
      offered first before a file is opened.  Upon returning
      from this routine pfn contains the path and file name the
      user has specified.  If the dialog has been cancelled,
      the empty string is returned.  Note, calling
      ClearDatFraViewer will discard the entire file content
      and make the file ready for rewriting (calls
      DMFiles.Rewrite).  Be aware also of the fact that file
      capturing occurrs in addition to the currently installed
      set of writing procedures (see InstallWriteProcs below).
      After a call to StopOutputCapturing the original set of
      writing procedures present before the call to
      CaptureOutputOnFile is restored.  IMPLEMENTATION
      RESTRICTION: Calling InstallWriteProcs interrupts the
      capturing process.

    WriteVarStringProc = PROCEDURE (VAR ARRAY OF CHAR);
    WriteProc = PROCEDURE (CHAR);

  PROCEDURE InstallWriteProcs(omrp: OutMReadyProc;
                              wvsp: WriteVarStringProc; wp: WriteProc;
                              wln,clear: PROC);
  PROCEDURE GetCurWriteProcs(VAR omrp: OutMReadyProc;
                             VAR wvsp: WriteVarStringProc;
                             VAR wp: WriteProc; VAR wln,clear: PROC);
      Allows to install or retrieve, respectively, a set of writing
      procedures.  These procedures are the only ones by which the output
      routines such as ShowDataFrames etc, from this module produce
      output.  omrp is the routine used to test whether the output medium
      is ready.  Note, that these tests are only made a few times, usually
      at the beginning of the output producing routines (for efficiency
      reasons). By using InstallWriteProcs it is possible to divert the
      output e.g. to a file.  The default set is

                          WriteVarString, Write, WriteLn, Reset);

      all routines are from module DMWindIO except for
      IsDatFraViewerReadyForOutput (from this module) and Reset, which
      is implemented as follows:

          PROCEDURE Reset;
            EraseContent; SetPos(1,1)
          END Reset;

      Again, Reset uses only routines from DMWindIO.  WriteVarString is
      used instead of WriteString for efficiency reasons only.  Note, in
      case the currently installed procedure omrp returns FALSE, no output
      is generated.  Hence, if you wish to silently direct output to a file
      (without any other output concurrently displayed in a window), pass
      to InstallWriteProcs as actual argument for omrp a procedure similar
      to this one:

           myCaptureFile: TextFile;

         PROCEDURE MyFileIsReadyForOutput(): BOOLEAN;
           RETURN IsOpen(myCaptureFile)
         END MyFileIsReadyForOutput;

      IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION: GetCurWriteProcs has to be used
      carefully, i.e.  if two callees using this module use
      GetCurWriteProcs to save a current set of writing procedures and both
      try to restore the previous situation in a non-nested sequence, the
      resulting behavior of the software may become unpredictable.  Thus,
      ensure that Get - Install calls are made in exactly matching pairs,
      in particular be aware also, that CaptureOutputOnFile and
      StopOutputCapturing use also such a sequence.

  (*=====   Viewer's Window   =====*)

  PROCEDURE CloseDatFraViewerWindow;
      Closes the window of the data frame viewer

  PROCEDURE PlaceDatFraViewer(x,y,w,h: INTEGER);
      Allows to place the data frame viewer's window at a
      location and with a size different from the defaults,
      which fills a big portion of the main screen in its
      middle.  x,y denote the lower, left corner of the outer
      window frame, w and h specify the width and height of the
      outer window frame.  If the window is already open,
      PlaceDatFraViewer moves and resizes the window, otherwise
      the window remains closed (use OpenDataFrameViewer to
      open it).  The position defined by this routine will be
      remembered and always stored as part of the permanent

  PROCEDURE GetDatFraViewerPlace(VAR x,y,w,h: INTEGER);
      Returns the current position of the data frame viewer's

  (*=====   Viewer's Preferences & Modes   =====*)

  PROCEDURE EditPreferences;
      Offers a dialogue to edit the current preferences of the
      data frame viewer.  If the editing is finished by
      pressing 'OK', values will be remembered and stored as
      part of the permanent preferences of the package (see
      also routine SetPreferences).

  PROCEDURE GetPreferences(VAR traceLoadMode, autoShowMode, showHistoryMode,
                           showLegendsMode, showFiltersMode: BOOLEAN;
                           VAR sepChar: CHAR; VAR decDig: CARDINAL);
  PROCEDURE SetPreferences(traceLoadMode, autoShowMode, showHistoryMode,
                           showLegendsMode, showFiltersMode: BOOLEAN;
                           sepChar: CHAR; decDig: CARDINAL);
      Lets you control the current preferences.  The values
      will be remembered and stored as part of the permanent

  (*=====   Data Frame Filters   =====*)

  PROCEDURE EditFilters;
  PROCEDURE GetFilters (VAR fromFilter,tillFilter: ReadingFilter);
  PROCEDURE SetFilters (fromFilter,tillFilter: ReadingFilter);
      Edits, returns, or sets, respectively, the reading
      filters to be used by the data frame viewer during
      loading of data frames (see routine
      LoadDataFramesFromAnchor from this module).  The values
      will be remembered and stored as part of the permanent

  PROCEDURE EditReadingFilters(VAR fromFilt,tillFilt: ReadingFilter;
                               VAR oKClicked: BOOLEAN);
      Generally applicable utility which offers a dialogue to
      edit any reading filters.  The parameters fromFilt and
      tillFilt serve as in/out parameters.  oKClicked returns
      wether the user has cancelled or actually accepted the
      dialog by clicking the OK push button.

  (*=====   Data Frame Viewer's Menu   =====*)

  PROCEDURE EditDatFraViewerShortCuts;
      Offers a dialogue to edit the keyboard short cuts used by
      the data frame viewers menu commands.  If the editing is
      finished by pressing 'OK', values will be remembered and
      stored as part of the permanent preferences of the

  PROCEDURE GetMenuShortCuts(VAR openAlCh, closeAlCh,
                             loadAlCh, unloadAlCh,unloadAllAlCh,
                             showDFsAlCh, showRemsAlCh,
                             showIdentsAlCh, showValDefAlCh,
                             retrValAlCh, retrSpecAlCh,  clearAlCh,
                             captOnFAlCh, stopCaptOnFAlCh,
                             editFiltAlCh, editPrefsAlCh, editAlChsAlCh: CHAR);
  PROCEDURE SetMenuShortCuts(openAlCh, closeAlCh,
                             loadAlCh, unloadAlCh,unloadAllAlCh,
                             showDFsAlCh, showRemsAlCh,
                             showIdentsAlCh, showValDefAlCh,
                             retrValAlCh, retrSpecAlCh, clearAlCh,
                             captOnFAlCh, stopCaptOnFAlCh,
                             editFiltAlCh, editPrefsAlCh, editAlChsAlCh: CHAR);
       Above procedures lets you control the keyboard short
       cuts used by the data frame viewers menu commands.
       GetMenuShortCuts is typically used if you wish to modify
       only a few of the keyboard shortcuts in a GetMenuShortCuts
       (openAlCh,...  ; SetMenuShortCuts (openAlCh,...  sequence.
       The values will be remembered and stored as part of the
       permanent preferences.  The characters are used as alias
       characters for the commands (see above) as follows:

         openAlCh          - OpenDataFrameViewer
         closeAlCh         - CloseDatFraViewerWindow
         loadAlCh          - LoadDataFramesFromAnchor (with empty string)
         unloadAlCh        - UnloadDataFrame (with empty string)
         unloadAllAlCh     - UnloadDataFrames
         showDFsAlCh       - ShowDataFrames
         showRemsAlCh      - ShowDataFramesRemarks
         showIdentsAlCh    - ShowValDefIdentifiers (with empty string)
         showValDefAlCh    - ShowValueDefinition (with empty string)
         retrValAlCh       - RetrieveValue (with empty string)
         retrSpecAlCh      - RetrieveSpecialValue (with empty string)
         clearAlCh         - ClearDatFraViewer
         captOnFAlCh       - CaptureOutputOnFile (with empty string)
         stopCaptOnFAlCh   - StopOutputCapturing
         editFiltAlCh      - EditFilters
         editPrefsAlCh     - EditPreferences
         editAlChsAlCh     - EditDatFraViewerShortCuts

  PROCEDURE DatFraViewerMenu(): Menu;
      Returns the data frame viewer's window menu in order to
      customize the menu by installing additional commands in
      this menu, e.g.  by using routines from DMMenus.  Note,
      it is also possible to remove the returned menu, but
      still use the data frame viewer's window.

  (*=====   Factory Settings   =====*)

  PROCEDURE ResetDatFraViewer;
       Reverts the effect of any previous customization, e.g.
       by PlaceDatFraViewer call etc.  The values will
       be remembered and stored as part of the permanent

END DatFraViewer.

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