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    Module  FileNameStrs     (Version 1.0)

      Copyright (c) 1990-2006 by Andreas Fischlin and ETH Zurich.

    Purpose   String manipulation routines needed to work with
              directory and file names.

    Remarks   Used definitions (EBNF):

              VolName  = String.   # Mac length <=27
              DirName  = String.   # Mac length <=31
              FileName = String [extSeparator String].   # Mac length <=31
              Path     = VolName volSeparator {DirName pathSeparator}.
              FullPath = Path FileName | DirName.
              RelPath  = pathSeparator {DirName pathSeparator}.


      o Design
        Andreas Fischlin          21/09/1990

      o Implementation
        Andreas Fischlin          21/09/1990

    ETH Zurich
    Systems Ecology
    CHN E 35.1
    Universitaetstrasse 16
    8092 Zurich


    Last revision of definition:  02/06/1991  AF


    extSeparator, pathSeparator, volSeparator: CHAR;
      Following defaults used:

       extSeparator  =   '.'
       pathSeparator =   ':' or '/' or '\' depending on the platform
                                           (must NOT be changed!)
       volSeparator  =   ':' or '/'        (must NOT be changed!)

  (* ===============================================================
     Note, most examples given in this definition are for the
     Macintosh platform.  However, the routines work in a platform
     independent fashion and can be used on all three supported
     platforms (see DMSystem for details on supported platforms).

     Note:  Most of the following routines are fault tolerant and
     accept input parameters in various formats.  For instance:

     - VolName may carry a volSeparator at the end or not, e.g.
       "HD:" or "HD" are both accepted and interpreted correctly
       by CompletePathFileName
     - A fullPath may have a pathSeparator at the end or not
       e.g. "HD:M2:Work:" or "HD:M2:Work" (ExtractRelPath)
     - A basePath may have a pathSeparator at the end or not
       e.g. "HD:M2:" or "HD:M2" (ExtractRelPath)
     - A relative path may start or end with or without a pathSeparator
       e.g. ":Dir:" or ":Dir" or "Dir:" or "Dir"  are all accepted by
       CompletePath and CompletePathFileName
     =============================================================== *)

  PROCEDURE ExtractVolName  ( fullPathName       : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                              VAR volName        : ARRAY OF CHAR );
    E.g. ExtractVolName("HD:M2:Dir:Work:", volName) returns volName
    = "HD".  Note however, a volSeparator must always be present in
    fullPathName to extract a volName.  E.g. ExtractVolName("HD",
    volName) returns an empty volName since the file name has a
    higher priority and fullPathName will be interpreted to contain
    just the file name "HD".

  PROCEDURE ExtractRelPath  ( fullPath, basePath : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                              VAR relOrAbsPath   : ARRAY OF CHAR );
    Returns in relOrAbsPath the relative path relative to the
    folder denoted by the absolute path basePath.  E.g. a call to

      ExtractRelPath("HD:M2:Dir:Work:", "HD:M2:",relOrAbsPath)

    returns in relOrAbsPath ":Dir:Work:".  Note that the match is
    case sensitive and that fullPath as well as  basePath must be
    absolute pathes hence e.g.

      ExtractRelPath("HD:M2:Dir:Work:", "HD:M2:dir:",relOrAbsPath)

    returns in relOrAbsPath "::Dir:Work:", i.e. it is treated
    analogously to the following example

      ExtractRelPath("HD:M2:Dir:Work::Project:", "HD:M2:Work:",relOrAbsPath)

    where relOrAbsPath contains after the call "::Dir:Work::Project:".
    IMPORTANT NOTICE:  Despite the name of the routine, in case
    that fullPathName points to a directory which is even on a
    different volume, i.e. there exists no true relative path, that
    relOrAbsPath will actually contain an absolute path.  E.g.

      ExtractRelPath("HD:M2:Dir:Work:", "HDExtra:M2:",relOrAbsPath)

    returns in relOrAbsPath "HD:M2:Dir:Work:", i.e. a copy of fullPath.
    Also a copy of fullPath results if either of the two paths is
    a relative path specification.  E.g. both examples

      ExtractRelPath(":relative:", "HD:M2:dir:",relOrAbsPath)
      ExtractRelPath("HD:M2:dir:", ":relative:",relOrAbsPath)

    return in relOrAbsPath ":relative:" resp. "HD:M2:dir:".
    Note also, that in the case where fullPath points to the same
    folder as basePath, the relOrAbsPath becomes empty.

  PROCEDURE ExtractPath     ( pathAndFileName    : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                              VAR path           : ARRAY OF CHAR );
    E.g. ExtractPath("HD:M2:Dir:Work:FileName.EXT", path) returns
    absolute path = "HD:M2:Dir:Work:"

  PROCEDURE ExtractFileName ( pathAndFileName    : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                              VAR fName          : ARRAY OF CHAR );
    E.g. ExtractFileName("HD:M2:Dir:Work:FileName.EXT", path) returns
    fName = "FileName.EXT"

  PROCEDURE ExtractFolderName ( pathAndFileName    : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                                VAR folderName     : ARRAY OF CHAR );
    Returns name of last folder in the path.  E.g.
    ExtractFolderName("HD:M2:Dir:Work:FileName.EXT", folderName)
    returns folderName = "Work".  To extract folders from the
    beginning of a path, use routine ExtractSubString from
    module DMStrings and use as delimiter the read only
    variable pathSeparator.     IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION:
    The routines of this module deal only with strings and know
    nothing about the actual properties of the designated items
    in your operating system.  In case of procedure
    ExtractFolderName this means, if the last item in
    pathAndFileName is actually a folder and you wish to extract
    it, make sure, you have a path separator at the end.
    Otherwise the routine can not tell a folder name apart from
    a file name.  E.g. ExtractFolderName("HD:M2:Dir:Work:",
    folderName) returns folderName = "Work", but
    ExtractFolderName("HD:M2:Dir:Work", folderName) returns
    folderName = "Dir", since it understands Work to be simply
    a file name. It knows nothing about the fact that 'Work' is
    actually the name of a folder.

  PROCEDURE ExtractExt      ( pathAndFileName    : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                              VAR extension      : ARRAY OF CHAR );
    E.g. ExtractExt("HD:M2:Dir:Work:FileName.EXT", path) returns
    extension = "EXT"

  PROCEDURE StripExt        ( fromName           : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                              VAR toName         : ARRAY OF CHAR);
  (* e.g. strip '.MOD' from 'MyModule.MOD' to obtain 'MyModule' *)

  PROCEDURE SetNewExt       ( fromName, newExt   : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                              VAR toName: ARRAY OF CHAR);
    Strip eventually present old extension from file name
    fromName and add new extension newExt in toName.  E.g.


    returns toName = 'ThisGrandModule.MOD. In case that fromName
    has no extension append newExt by inserting first extSeparator.

  PROCEDURE SplitPathFileName   ( pathAndFileName        : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                                  VAR path,fName         : ARRAY OF CHAR );
    E.g. SplitPathFileName("HD:M2:Dir:Work:FileName.EXT",path,fName)
    returns path = "HD:M2:Dir:Work:" and fName = "FileName.EXT".

  PROCEDURE SplitVolPathFileName( fullPath               : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                                  VAR volN,relPath,fileN : ARRAY OF CHAR );
    returns volN = "HD", relPath = ":M2:Dir:Work:", and fileN =

  PROCEDURE CompletePath        ( basePath, relPath      : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                                  VAR fullPath           : ARRAY OF CHAR );
    E.g. CompletePath("HD:M2:",":Dir:Work:", fullPath) returns
    fullPath = "HD:M2:Dir:Work:".  Or on a Unix or OS X platform
    CompletePath("/home/user/", "myProject/subdir/") returns fullPath
    = "/home/user/myProject/subdir/".  There is no need for basePath
    to have a pathSeparator at the end.  This routine will add it as
    needed.  IMPORTANT: Note, if relPath is actually an absolute path,
    basePath is ignored.  Hint: Use CompletePathFileName(basePath,"",
    relPath,fullPath) to force the correct concatenation of a relPath
    string to a basePath, if relPath may have no pathSeparator at the
    begin (as needed under MacOS Classic).

  PROCEDURE CompletePathFileName( volN, relPath, fileN   : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                                  VAR fullPathAndFileName: ARRAY OF CHAR );
    E.g. CompletePathFileName("HD",":M2:Dir:Work:","FileName.EXT",
    fullPathAndFileName) returns fullPathAndFileName =
    "HD:M2:Dir:Work:FileName.EXT".  Or on a Unix or OS X platform
    CompletePathFileName("/Users/user/", "myProject/subdir/",
    "MyFile", fullPathAndFileName) returns in fullPathAndFileName =
    "/Users/user/myProject/subdir/MyFile".  There is no need for volN
    to have a volSeparator nor pathSeparator at the end.  This routine
    will add it as needed.  volN may also be an absolute or relative
    path.  In case volN is already the full path leading to the file
    fileN, relPath is best passed as the empty string.  fileN may also
    contain a partial path.  IMPORTANT: Note, if relPath is actually
    an absolute path, argument volN is ignored. A fileN consisting only
    of the pathSeparator will be ignored.

END FileNameStrs.

  Contact Last updated: 25-Jul-2011 [Top of page]