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    Module  Help     (Version 1.0)

      Copyright (c) 1991-2006 by Andreas Fischlin, Harald Bugmann and
      ETH Zurich.

    Purpose   Implementation of a small help system that looks
              like a HyperCard stack.

    Remarks   Supports only one single help window at a time.


      o Design
        Andreas Fischlin          23/07/1991

      o Implementation
        Andreas Fischlin          23/07/1991
        Harald Bugmann            23/07/1991

    ETH Zurich
    Systems Ecology
    CHN E 35.1
    Universitaetstrasse 16
    8092 Zurich


    Last revision of definition:  24/01/1992  AF


  PROCEDURE ShowHelpWindow;
  (* generate the help window and display the help text.  The latter is
     to be read from a help file, which is an ordinary text file.
     The help file must be present and be written in the syntax
     specified below.  IMPORTANT NOTE: The name of the help file
     must be set by means of procedure SetHelpFileName; otherwise
     an error message will be displayed. *)

     The help file must be written using a word processor such as Microsoft
     Word and stored in the Rich Text Format (RTF).

     The help utility uses the module RTFScanner to read the help file.
     For a description of RTF commands supported, see the file RTFScanner.DEF.

     All text in the help window is written in font Geneva with size 9 points.

     All items are placed in character cells. It is therefore sometimes not possible
     to place items exactly as they were in Microsoft Word if margins or space before
     have not been set properly; however, this most often does not matter.

     The following formatting procedures are supported by the help mechanism:

     - Italic, Bold and Underline Style (in any combination)
     - Space before paragraphs
     - Left and right margins (but not first indents)
     - Adjustment of paragraphs (left, right, centered)
     - Side-by-side paragraphs
     - forced return (Shift-Return in Word) within a paragraph
     - optional hyphens
     - all special characters are supported except for "{", "}", and "\"
     - pictures may be pasted into the Microsoft Word help file

     - HiddenText is used to read data from a resource file, i.e.
       "s1003" plays the sound with ID 1003, and
       "p7002" displays the picture with ID 7002 from the resource file
       (the latter may be much faster for large pictures than if pictures are pasted
       directly into the help file; this is especially important on slow machines)

     - Page Break Before is used to start a new help topic; this must be specified
       explicitly because automatic page breaks are not recorded in the RTF file!

     - other RTF commands are ignored by RMS Help

     Recommended formatting:

     - Define Normal Style as: Geneva 9 point, Flush left, Line spacing -12 pt
     - Format the document size as A4 paper with the following margins:
       top 2.998 cm, bottom 17.707 cm, left 2.011 cm, right 2.081 cm.
       This page size corresponds to one help page
     - The topic list must be in two paragraphs formatted as side-by-side, and the
       items must be separated by forced returns (Shift-Return)

     Notes on the interpretation of some RTF symbols:

     Help assumes that all hidden text can be interpreted as a character describing
     the resource type ("s" for sound and "p" for picture), followed by the resource ID.
     The ID is used to load the resource from a resource file. Do not specifiy anything
     as hidden text unless it describes a resource ID!
     To play a sound several times, each "sXXXX" statement must be separated from the
     other(s) by some non-hidden text, e.g. a blank.

     A new help topic in the Word Processor must be preceeded by a forced page break
     (use the "Paragraph" command and choose "page break before" for Microsoft Word).
     Any page break in the RTF file is interpreted as the beginning of a new help topic.
     The \pagebb command must be followed by a number and - on the same line - by
     the topic title. The number is used to determine which line of the "Topics" list
     corresponds to the topic, and the title is used as title for the the help window.
     The line must end with an end-of-paragraph symbol (\par in RTF), NOT with a
     forced line break (\line in RTF, Shift-Return in Microsoft Word)

     Implementation restriction: The current implementation of the Help module does
     not support pictures drawn by means of the Graph Editor that is part of the
     Microsoft Word software (procedure DMPTFiles.LoadPicture crashes due to the format
     of Microsoft Graph pictures).

     Equations produced with the Equation Editor of Microsoft Word can be used if the
     following restrictions are taken into account: The equation must be pasted e.g.
     into a MacDraw II document, copied from there and only then pasted into the
     Word document

     Implementation restriction: Each column of a side-by-side section may contain

     Since all items are placed in character cells, it is not possible to specifiy
     Space Before at a higher resolution; the RTF contains Space Before with a
     resolution of 1/20 points (!); the measures are rounded to one character cell.

  PROCEDURE SetHelpFileName (fn: ARRAY OF CHAR);
  (* In case the help window is currently open and the new name is
     different from the old, the help window is first closed and
     then reopened using the new file name. A file name may contain
     a path. *)

  PROCEDURE SetResourceFileName( fn: ARRAY OF CHAR );
  (* Set the file name of the resource file which contains picture
     or sound resources to be displayed within the help file. *)

  PROCEDURE SetInstallationErrHandler( errMsg: PROC );
  (* In case that ShowHelpWindow encounters an error when attempting to
     open and read the help file, a basic error message is
     displayed.  By default it shows the address of the authors of
     the RAMSES software.  If you wish to change this text,
     overwrite it by installing the procedure errMsg.  Its purpose
     is to write some information on where or how to get help, if
     the user can't get the help mechanism properly working.  This
     is likely to ocurr, if the help file becomes damaged, or is
     not properly installed etc.  You may find out how far the
     initial error message has come, by calling at the begin
     of errMsg DMWindIO.GetPos, and position your text relative
     to this character cell.  Note also that Help tries to
     play back a sound with ID 1003 (in RAMSES this is "whoops"), to
     notify the user about the error condition.  *)

  PROCEDURE SetDebugMode( debugOn: BOOLEAN );
  (* Switches the internal debugging mode on or off.  This mode may be
     useful while writing help files.  If the debug mode is on,
     the user gets a more detailed information on the type of error
     encountered. However, turn this mode off, once the help file
     has been finalized, since interpreting these detailed error
     messages requires some knowledge about the internal structure
     of a help file. Normally the latter is rather confusing for an
     ordinary user, hence the currently installed error handler
     (see SetInstallationErrHandler) is shown if the debug mode
     is turned off.  By default debugOn = FALSE. *)

  PROCEDURE ResetHelp;
  (* Resets this modules to its initial default condition. *)

END Help.

  Contact Last updated: 25-Jul-2011 [Top of page]