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    Module  SimDatDump     (SD_Version_2.0)

      Copyright (c) 1997-2006 by Andreas Fischlin and ETH Zurich.

    Purpose   Dumps all currently known models plus
              model objects as data frames onto a file.

    Remarks   Operates only on the current values. Declares the
              current values as new default values, which is
              actually the main purpose for using data frames
              (see module SimBase and Fischlin et al., 1994).

              May be used with plain vanilla ModelWorks MDPs
              (Model Definition Programs) as well as SysMod
              models.  However, in the first case, a proper
              syntax and subsequent rereadability of data frames
              is not guaranteed.  It is the modeller's
              responsibility to ensure that all identifiers given
              to models and model objects have proper identifiers
              (i.e.  start with a letter and contain only letters
              or digits, no special characters nor blanks).


             FISCHLIN, A., GYALISTRAS, D., ROTH, O., ULRICH, M.,
                 THOENY, J., NEMECEK, T., BUGMANN, H.  & THOMMEN, F.,
                 1994.  Model Works 2.2 Ð an interactive simulation
                 environment for personal computers and
                 work-stations.  Systems Ecology Report No.14, 324pp.


      o Design
        Andreas Fischlin          27/02/1997

      o Implementation
        Andreas Fischlin          27/02/1997

    ETH Zurich
    Systems Ecology
    CHN E 35.1
    Universitaetstrasse 16
    8092 Zurich


    Last revision of definition:  01/05/1998  AF


  (* Uses only standard error codes as exported by module DMLanguage
  and or Errors *)

    DataKind = BITSET;

    project = 1;        (* data frame describing the project *)
    systems = 2;        (* data frame tabulating all systems *)
    models = 3;         (* data frame tabulating all models *)
    modObjects = 4;     (* data frame tabulating all model objects
                           (including state variables, parameters,
                           input, output, plus auxiliary variables)
                           on a per model basis. *)
    stateVars = 5;      (* data frame tabulating only state
                           variables plus their derivatives and
                           new states, respectively (on a per
                           model basis). *)
    params = 6;         (* data frame tabulating all model
                           parameters (on a per model basis). *)
    monit = 7;          (* data frame tabulating all monitoring
                           attributes (on a per model basis). *)
    tally = 8;          (* data frame tabulating all tallying
                           attributes (on a per model basis). *)
    globSimPars = 9;    (* data frame tabulating all global
                           simulation parameters (see module
                           SimBase). *)
    windows = 10;       (* data frame tabulating the properties,
                           e.g. position, of the windows used in the
                           simulation environment (see module
                           SimBase). *)
    simEnvOptions = 11;  (* data frame tabulating the global options
                           of the simulation environment (see module
                           SimBase). *)

     Note, in case 'modObjects' is IN current data kind 'dk',
     the data frames tabulating state variables model
     parameters, and monitoring attributes will have a slightly
     different format.  In particular descriptor strings and
     units will be omitted from the latter to avoid redundancy
     and will be tabulated only in the model objects data frame.
     Thus, it is recommended to write data of kind 'modObjects'
     always (third normal form of the data base).

    allData: DataKind; (* read only (use SetDumpOption to customize);
                          initally defined as:

                          {project, systems, models,
                           modObjects, stateVars, params,
                           monit, tally, globSimPars,
                           windows, simEnvOptions}.

                          This default ensures a normal form of
                          the data base produced and avoids
                          redundancies (Third normal form of
                          relational data base).  The principal
                          key to identify models and model
                          objects is the globally unique
                          identifier for every item. *)

      Core routine of this module allowing to save, i.e.  write
      all current data used in the simulation environment.  In
      particular this encompasses all numerical data required to
      define a particular numerical solution of model equations
      such as the specific values of model parameters or the
      numerical method used to solve models.  Any data apart from
      the mathematical properties of the model can be saved for
      documentation or later reproduction.  Models and model
      objects can be instantiated within the simulation
      environment by any means, i.e.  using module SysModBase or
      SimBase (ModelWorks); even in any mixture to warrant
      complete reproducability.  The data are written as simple
      text files in the format of data frames (see module
      DataFrames) and can easily be reread and assigned to all
      objects present in the simulation environment for
      reproducing a particular simulation or restoring the same
      initial conditions.  The format supports also easy editing
      in a spread sheet application like Excel.
      To customize the kind of data to be written use routines
      GetDumpOptions and SetDumpOptions (default is 'allData').
      Note, fn is an IO parameter.  In: A non-empty string fn is the
      name of the file to which the data ought to be saved.
      This string may also contain a path (use e.g.  routines
      from FileNamStrs for constructing machine independent,
      fully portable path specifications).  NOTE: A non-empty
      string will result in the creation of a file and the
      quiet overwriting of an eventually existing file with the
      same name without any warning!  Pass entry string for
      requesting a CreateNewFile dialog.  Out: Upon successful
      file creation, fn contains the name of the file.

  PROCEDURE SetDumpOptions(    dk: DataKind;
                               filetype,creator: ARRAY OF CHAR);
  PROCEDURE GetDumpOptions(VAR dk: DataKind;
                           VAR filetype,creator: ARRAY OF CHAR);

      Allows to control the dump options, i.e. the kind of
      data written and the appearance (type, creator) of the
      file.  The initial default is set to allData and the
      default filetype and creator as that used by the "Dialog
      Machine" (see module DMFiles).

END SimDatDump.

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