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    Module  SymCompare     (Version 1.0)

      Copyright (c) 2001-2006 by Dimitrios Gyalistras, Andreas Fischlin
      and ETH Zurich.

    Purpose   Line-by-line comparison of the
              symbols found in two text files.

    Remarks   --


      o Design
        Dimitrios Gyalistras      08/01/2001
        Andreas Fischlin          27/06/2002

      o Implementation
        Dimitrios Gyalistras      10/01/2001
        Andreas Fischlin          27/06/2002

    ETH Zurich
    Systems Ecology
    CHN E 35.1
    Universitaetstrasse 16
    8092 Zurich


    Last revision of definition:  09/04/2005  AF


  IMPORT Errors;

  (*#####   General declarations   #####*)

  CONST  (* result codes returned *)
    allOk   = Errors.allOk;
    notDone = Errors.onlyAnInsert;

    nul             =  0; (* a bad file or number syntax or an overflow occurred *)
    eodSym          =  1; (* end of data or of file reached *)
    unknownIdent    =  2; (* token has syntax of an identifier, but is not in the symbol table*)
    integerSym      =  3; (* an integer number *)
    longIntSym      =  4; (* a long integer number *)
    longCardSym     =  5; (* a long cardinal number *)
    realSym         =  6; (* a real number *)
    longRealSym     =  7; (* a long real number *)
    strSym          =  8; (* a string  *)
    specialCharSym  =  9; (* a non-"white space" character, given that none of
                            the above symbols can be returned *)
    Symbol = [nul..specialCharSym];

      identifier EBNF:

        ident = letter {letter | digit | "_"}.

      string EBNF:

        string = "'" {character} "'" | '"' {character} '"'.

      for accepted number EBNFs see module DMConversions


    f1 = 1;
    f2 = 2;

    InputFile = [f1..f2];

  (*#####   Handling of Input FIles   #####*)

  PROCEDURE PrepFile(  f           : InputFile;
                       fName       : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                       VAR resCode : INTEGER;
                       VAR errTxt  : ARRAY OF CHAR );
  (* Prepares/opens the respective input file for scanning
  and, possibly, comparison with the other input file.  Note,
  the two input files can be processed totally independently of
  each other.  In particular, it is possible to use this module
  to scan but one file at a time.  *)

  PROCEDURE GetFileName( f         : InputFile;
                         VAR fName : ARRAY OF CHAR );
  (* Returns the name of the respective input file *)

  PROCEDURE StopReadingFile( f: InputFile );
  (* Stops reading the respective input file. *)

  PROCEDURE SetNumOverflowTolerance (    tolIOvrflw, tolROvrflw: BOOLEAN);
  PROCEDURE GetNumOverflowTolerance (VAR tolIOvrflw, tolROvrflw: BOOLEAN);
  (* tolerance of numeric overflows for integer and real numbers. By
  default overflow is not tolerated. *)

  PROCEDURE SetNumberTreatment(    allIntLongInt, allRealLongReal: BOOLEAN);
  PROCEDURE GetNumberTreatment(VAR allIntLongInt, allRealLongReal: BOOLEAN);
  (* Set mode for the treatment of numbers.  If allIntLongInt is
  TRUE, all negative integer numbers are treated as long integers
  and all positive integer numbers as long cardinals.  If
  allRealLongReal is TRUE, all real numbers are treated as long
  real numbers.  Default is: allIntLongInt = TRUE,
  allRealLongReal = TRUE. *)

  (*#####   Reading and comparison of input files   #####*)

  PROCEDURE ReadLine( f           : InputFile;
                      VAR eof     : BOOLEAN;
                      VAR resCode : INTEGER;
                      VAR errTxt  : ARRAY OF CHAR );
  (* Reads a new line from the respective input file.  Parameter
  "eof" is returned true if the end of the file was reached after
  having read the line. *)

  PROCEDURE TokenNr( f     : InputFile;
                     token : ARRAY OF CHAR ): INTEGER;
  (* Returns the number of the first occurrence of token "token" in
  the current line if such a token exists, otherwise 0.  This procedure
  may be used to test whether a given ident occurs in the current line
  prior to calling the procedure "AdvanceToToken". *)

  PROCEDURE TokenNrV( f         : InputFile;
                      VAR token : ARRAY OF CHAR ): INTEGER; (* VAR for speed-up only *)
  (* Same as TokenNr. *)

  PROCEDURE AdvanceToToken( f           : InputFile;
                            token       : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                            VAR found   : BOOLEAN;
                            VAR eof     : BOOLEAN;
                            VAR resCode : INTEGER;
                            VAR errTxt  : ARRAY OF CHAR );
  (* Reads from the respective input file as many lines as needed
  until the token "token" occurs somewhere in the current
  line.  Parameter "eof" is returned true if the end of the file
  was reached without that the identifier could be found. *)

  PROCEDURE CurLinesAreIdentical(): BOOLEAN;
  (* Returns TRUE if the currently considered lines from the two
  input files contain exactly the same tokens. *)

  PROCEDURE CurLinesHaveSameSyntax(): BOOLEAN;
  (* Returns TRUE if the currently considered lines have the same
  syntax.  Note, this imples only equality of the types of tokens,
  not of the tokens themselves. *)

  PROCEDURE TokensAreIdentical( tNr1, tNr2: INTEGER ): BOOLEAN;
  (* Returns TRUE if tokens "tNr1" and "tNr2" from the two currently
  considered lines are identical. *)

  (*#####   Information retrieval   #####*)

  PROCEDURE GetSymbolDescr( s: Symbol; VAR descr: ARRAY OF CHAR );
  PROCEDURE GetSymbolShortDescr( s: Symbol; VAR sdescr: ARRAY OF CHAR );
  (* Return descriptions of the symbols exported by this module. *)

  PROCEDURE CurLineNum( f: InputFile ): LONGINT;
  (* Returns the line number of the currently read line from
  input file "f". *)

  PROCEDURE CurNumTokens( f: InputFile ): INTEGER;
  (* Returns the number of tokens in the currently read line from
   input file "f". *)

  PROCEDURE GetToken( f: InputFile; tNr: INTEGER; VAR token: ARRAY OF CHAR );
  (* Returns the token found at position "tNr" in the currently
  read line from input file "f". *)

  PROCEDURE Pos( f: InputFile; tNr: INTEGER ): INTEGER;
  (* Returns the character number (position) at which token "tNr"
  occurs in the currently read line from input file "f". *)

  PROCEDURE Sym( f: InputFile; tNr: INTEGER ): Symbol;
  (* Returns the symbolic meaning of the token "tNr" from the
  currently read line from input file "f".  *)

  (* Returns the respective long integer number, if token "tNr" from the
  currently read line of input file "f" is of type INTEGER or LONGINT. *)

  (* Returns the respective long cardinal number, if token "tNr" from the
  currently read line of input file "f" is of type positive INTEGER,
  positive LONGINT, or LONGCARD. *)

  (* Returns the respective longreal number, if token "tNr" from the
  currently read line of input file "f" is of type REAL or LONGREAL. *)

    EOLCoding = (m2, mac, unix, dos);

  PROCEDURE SetEOLHandling (eolc: EOLCoding);
  PROCEDURE GetEOLHandling (VAR eolc: EOLCoding);
    Use routine SetEOLHandling to force a particular end-of-line (EOL)
    encoding.  Initially the encoding is set in a platform specific
    manner (MacOS Classic - mac; Mac OS X - unix; Solaris - unix; IBM
    PC (Windows, DOS) - dos).  Use GetEOLHandling to learn about
    current EOL handling (in case of inconsistencies between S1 and
    S2, the S1 settings are returned).

END SymCompare.

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