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    Module  SysDatAux     (ISIS_Version_1.2)

      Copyright (c) 1997-2006 by Andreas Fischlin and ETH Zurich.

    Purpose   Support the use of systems, models, and model
              objects declared via module SysModBase plus their
              needed data as provided by data frames.

    Remarks   The core routine is AssignDatFraData, which assigns
              data from all data frames currently stored in
              memory to all models and model objects given the
              identifier match according to the rules of data
              frames (see module DataFrames).

              This module provides operations to make the link
              between systems, models, and model objects declared
              via SysModBase and data frames.

              Further it supports menu commands which can be
              installed with a single command, or can be used for
              installation in any other context of all major
              functions provided.

              This module provides a part of the standard user
              interface offered by ISIS, i.e. the part which deals
              with the data needed by the system (for the part dealing
              with structure cf.  module SysStrctAux).

              Note, this module does not let you look at the
              actual data frames, they remain invisible to the
              user at all times.  However, module DatFraViewer,
              lets you view and inspect all data frames
              and their data currently stored in memory.

              See also modules SysModBase, SysDatAccess,
              DataFrames, and DatFraViewer.

              The following modules/packages are used: SysModBase,
              ModDatAccess, DumpMWMoObjs, and DataFrames plus
              'ModelWorks' and the 'Dialog Machine'.

              This module belongs to ISIS
              Integrative Systems Implementation Software.


      o Design
        Andreas Fischlin          16/09/1997

      o Implementation
        Andreas Fischlin          16/09/1997

    ETH Zurich
    Systems Ecology
    CHN E 35.1
    Universitaetstrasse 16
    8092 Zurich


    Last revision of definition:  25/05/1998  AF



  (* Error constants: sysDatAuxErrOffset = DMLanguage.userBase + 380 .. 390-1 *)

  (*#####   Model Data Base menu and menu commands   #####*)

  PROCEDURE InstallSDAMenuCmds (title: ARRAY OF CHAR);
      Installs a menu with the title 'title' plus the basic
      model data base management commands (see routines below).
      Typical usage: InstallSDAMenuCmds('').  In case 'title'
      is the empty string, a default menu title will be

  PROCEDURE RemoveSDAMenuCmds;
      Reverts the effect of InstallSDAMenuCmds by removing the
      current model base menu (plus any possibly client installed
      commands as well!).

  (*#####   Customization   #####*)

  PROCEDURE SysDatAuxMenu(): Menu;
      Returns the model data base's menu in order to customize
      the menu by installing additional commands in it, e.g.  by
      using routines from DMMenus.

  PROCEDURE SetSDAPreferences(    clearAtDeassignMode : BOOLEAN;
                                  showIDsAlways       : BOOLEAN;
                                  reportOnCheckFail   : BOOLEAN;
                                  packageErrMode      : INTEGER;
                                  globLikePkgErrMode  : BOOLEAN);
  PROCEDURE GetSDAPreferences(VAR clearAtDeassignMode : BOOLEAN;
                              VAR showIDsAlways       : BOOLEAN;
                              VAR reportOnCheckFail   : BOOLEAN;
                              VAR packageErrMode      : INTEGER;
                              VAR globLikePkgErrMode  : BOOLEAN);
       Lets you control the current preferences.  The values
       will be remembered and stored as part of the permanent
       preferences. Meaning:

       clearAtDeassignMode    A call to routine DeassignData clears
                              all assignments instead of restoring
                              the last present while calling

       showIDsAlways          Identifiers are shown of model objects
                              even if they have been fully cleared

       reportOnCheckFail      After an assignment of data using
                              core procedure AssignDatFraData
                              from this module a dialog will
                              report in case any model objects
                              have still invalid data.  This
                              warns the user about possible
                              failures of subsequent simulations.

    suppressAllErrMode = 0;  (* values used for packageErrMode *)
    warnOnceErrMode    = 1;
    immediateErrMode   = 2;
    debugErrMode       = 3;

      Routines GetSDAPreferences and SetSDAPreferences recognize
      these values for preference packageErrMode

       packageErrMode        meaning
       --------------        -------
       suppressAllErrMode    Never show any error messages, i.e.
                             SuppressMsgDisplay from Errors is
                             called.  Investigation of error presence
                             and possible display of them is
                             completely the callees responsibility.
                             Use module Errors to check for error
                             occurrence and display of possibly
                             accumulated errors.

       warnOnceErrMode       Inform about single or warn and ask for
                             inspection if many errors (default mode).

       immediateErrMode      No suppression of error displays at all
                             and all errors are shown immediately, i.e.
                             SuppressMsgDisplay from Errors is not called
                             like in above modes.

       debugErrMode          Similar to above but offers the advantage
                             that Errors.Info messages are displayed
                             as Errors.Halt messages and may display
                             additional, internal debugging messages
                             (calls Errors.SetDebugMode(TRUE)).

        Note, if you call SetSDAPreferences and change
        packageErrMode, this may trigger the display of errors if
        the mode changes to a less quiet one.  You can use this
        effect for instance to acchieve temporarily a completely
        quiet mode (suppressAllErrMode) and then call
        SetSDAPreferences to change to warnOnceErrMode to learn
        about the possible presence of some errors encountered in
        the past.

      IMPLEMENTATION RESTRICTION: Note changing packageErrMode values
      by calling SetSDAPreferences affects the error mode of the
      packages SimData, SysModBase, and SysData throughout.

      globLikePkgErrMode      This flags lets you control the
                              behavior of error handling for
                              the category of global errors identical
                              to that as defined by packageErrMode.
                              Note, any errors not falling within the
                              range DMLanguage.userBase + 300
                              and + 400, i.e. [600..700]) are not
                              affected by packageErrMode. All errors
                              as defined by modules DMLanguage (or
                              Errors) are predefined global errors
                              and may also be raised by any operation
                              of the SimData package, e.g. file opening
                              or memory shortage errors etc.


  PROCEDURE GetSDAMenuAliasChars ( VAR loadDatAlCh, loadDatFromAlCh,
                                    sdfAlCh, sasdfAlCh,
                                    assgnDatAlCh, deassignDatAlCh,
                                    assgnGloSiPsAlCh, chMLevAlCh, chTLevAlCh,
                                    placeWinsAlCh, chkErrAlCh,
                                    editPrefsAlCh, editAlChsAlCh: CHAR);
  PROCEDURE SetSDAMenuAliasChars ( loadDatAlCh, loadDatFromAlCh,
                                    sdfAlCh, sasdfAlCh,
                                    assgnDatAlCh, deassignDatAlCh,
                                    assgnGloSiPsAlCh, chMLevAlCh, chTLevAlCh,
                                    placeWinsAlCh, chkErrAlCh,
                                    editPrefsAlCh, editAlChsAlCh: CHAR);
     Above two procedures lets you control the keyboard short
     cuts used by the model data base menu commands.
     GetSDAMenuAliasChars is typically used if you wish to modify
     only a few of the keyboard shortcuts in a

       GetSDAMenuAliasChars(loadDatAlCh,...  ;

     sequence.  The values will be remembered and stored as part
     of the permanent preferences.  The characters are used as
     alias characters for the commands (see below) as follows:

        loadDatAlCh       - LoadDFFromFileIntoMem
        loadDatFromAlCh   - LoadDFFromOtherFileIntoMem

        sdfAlCh           - SaveDF
        sasdfAlCh         - SaveAsDF

        assgnDatAlCh      - AssignDatFraData
        deassignDatAlCh   - DeassignData

        assgnGloSiPsAlCh  - AssignGlobSimPars
        chMLevAlCh        - AssignModelsMonitoringForLevel
        chTLevAlCh        - AssignModelsTallyingForLevel
        placeWinsAlCh     - PlaceSimEnvsWindows

        chkErrAlCh        - CheckForErrPresence
        editAlChsAlCh     - (not available, but see SetSDAMenuAliasChars)
        editPrefsAlCh     - (not available, but see SetSDAPreferences)

   PROCEDURE ResetSDAToPresettings;
     Resets all preferences to factory settings (defaults) as
     described above.

  (*#####   Model Data Base Functions   #####*)

  (* each function is available as a command in the default menu *)

  PROCEDURE LoadDFFromFileIntoMem;
      Starting from the current anchor file, routine
      LoadDFFromFileIntoMem scans the file's (and possibly
      therein referenced other files') content and loads all the
      data found into memory (for details see module DataFrames).
      Note, no filtering takes place and all data frames and file
      references are recognized during this reading and loading
      process.  If the user has never selected an anchor file,
      this routine behaves like LoadDFFromOtherFileIntoMem
      (called with empty string parameters).  After successful
      completion data are kept in memory and are ready to be
      used, e.g.  to be assigned to models and model objects.
      Use AssignDatFraData to actually assign the data to the
      currently known model and model objects.  Loading can also
      be repeated and the result will be a merging and
      accumulation of all data encountered during any previous
      loading process.  However, if the same data are
      encountered, especially if the data frame identifier is
      identical, the previously stored data are discarded and
      replaced with the latest read, supporting a convenient

      NOTE: As an alternative you may also use module
      DatFraViewer to load data frames into memory.  The latter
      module offers the advantage to allow for inspection of the
      data currently stored in memory, plus many more functions,
      such as unloading and versatile filtering during the
      loading process etc.  Note, it does not matter by which
      method data were actually loaded into memory; the data are
      always accessible via the retrieval methods offered by
      module DataFrames.

  PROCEDURE LoadDFFromOtherFileIntoMem(path,filename: ARRAY OF CHAR);
      Like LoadDFFromFileIntoMem but operates on the anchor
      file denoted by path and filename.  In case path and
      filename are the empty string, this routine offers the
      standard file opening dialog to interactively select an
      anchor file for reading.

  (*#####   Assigning/Deassigning Data   #####*)

  PROCEDURE AssignDatFraData;

       Assigns all data presently stored in memory in form of so
       called data frames (see module DataFrames) to the
       currently known models and model objects in case they are
       public for writing (see DataAccess in module SysModBase).
       To achieve the same goal for non-public, i.e.  private,
       models and model objects use routines from module
       SysDatAccess.  Use DeassignData to revert the effect of
       this routine.

       Such an assignment is only possible if the identifier of a
       particular model object and its owning model match the
       identifier given by the data value definition (see module
       DataFrames for details).  For instance the following data given
       according to the data frame syntax (for EBNF see module

        (*                    Model   Parameters                      *)
        DATAFRAME Parameters; REMARK = 'For any logistic growth model' ;
        MODEL = ANY; KEYCOLUMN = Ident; DATA:
         Ident Descr               DfltVal MinVal MaxVal Unit    RTC   ;
          r    'Relative growth rate'  0.7   0.0    10.0 'd^-1'  TRUE  ;
          K    'Carrying capacity'   700.0   0.0 1.0E+38 'g/m^2' FALSE ;
        END Parameters;

       will match model objects of the logistic growth model equation,
       given they have been declared in the model definition program
       with matching identifiers like this:

            s         : System;
            m         : Model;
            grass     : StateVar;
            grassDot  : Derivative;
            r, K      : Parameter;

          DeclMObj ( s, "m.r",  r, modParam );
          DeclMObj ( s, "m.K", K, modParam );

       and made public by calling

          SetDataAccess (s, "m.r", rda, public);
          SetDataAccess (s, "m.K", rda, public);

       Routine DeclMObj and the other objects are all available from
       module SysModBase.  Above data frame Parameters can be assigned
       to any model (see phrase MODEL = ANY) as long as the
       identifiers listed in the key column headed with the identifier
       'Ident' (see phrase KEYCOLUMN = Ident) match those specified in
       DeclMObj.  E.g.  the DfltVal 0.7 tabulated for Ident = r is
       assigned to the variable r (type Parameter).  With the phrase
       MODEL = LogGrowth it would be possible to have a more specific
       match, i.e.  'LogGrowth.r'.  The success of AssignDatFraData
       requires the model has been declared as follows:

          m := "m";
          DeclModel(s, m, Euler, DESS, Dynamic,
                    NoInitialize, NoInput, NoOutput, NoTerminate, NoAbout);

       To numerically solve the logistic equation use the parameters r
       and K in this procedure as follows:

          PROCEDURE Dynamic;
            grassDot:=  r*((K-grass)/K)*grass;
          END Dynamic;

       Data frames can be formatted freely, as long as they observe
       the syntax (see module DataFrames).  In addition
       AssignDatFraData requires that column headers use reserved
       identifiers.  These are:

       Reserved identifier     State        Model         Monitoring
                             Variables     Parameters     attributes
       -------------------   ---------     ----------     ----------
       S Ident                     yes          yes            yes
       S Descr                     yes          yes            yes
       S Unit                      yes          yes             -
       R DfltInit                  yes           -              -
       R MinInit                   yes           -              -
       R DfltVal                    -           yes             -
       R MinVal                     -           yes             -
       R MaxVal                     -           yes             -
       B RTC                        -           yes             -
       R ScaleMin                   -            -             yes
       R ScaleMax                   -            -             yes
       B Filing                     -            -             yes
       B Tabulation                 -            -             yes
       I Graphing *                 -            -             yes

       where S = Identifier or string, R = real, I = integer number, B =
       boolean. * denotes monitoring level


  PROCEDURE DeassignData;
      Reverts the effect of a previous call to
      AssignDatFraData.  Depending on the current preferences
      (clearAtDeassignMode), either the previously present data
      are restored or an undefined value is assigned to any
      model or model object public for writing.  Note: This
      routine has no effect if executed in the 'ModelWorks' state
      simulating or sub-state running (see module SimMaster)
      respectively to avoid a crash during simulation because
      you may assign undefREAL (from module DMConversions) to
      model objects which are used in calculations.  Instead a
      sound is generated to inform the simulationist about the
      refused operation.

  PROCEDURE AssignGlobSimPars;
      Assigns all data presently stored in memory in form of so
      called data frames (see module DataFrames) to the global
      simulation parameters.  Use DeassignData to revert the
      effect of this routine.  Such an assignment is only
      possible if the identifier of a particular global
      simulation parameter matches the identifier given by the
      data value definition (see module DataFrames and routine
      AssignGlobalSimulationData from module SysDatAccess for

  PROCEDURE AssignModelsMonitoringForLevel;
      Offers an entry form which let's the user define a level
      on which the monitoring attributes are to be assigned to
      the currently present model objects.  If the dialog is
      answered with OK all monitoring attributes of the entered
      level such as curves, scales, or colors, are assigned
      accordingly.  The monitoring level is an integer as
      tabulated in a column with reserved heading 'MonitLev'.
      Any variable whose monitoring level is equal the current
      monitoring level will be in display, any other will
      remain invisible.  At monitoring level 0 all monitoring
      variables are discarded and there is normally no
      monitoring done.  Beyond an upper limit the same settings
      from the last level are used at all times.  This
      mechanism allows for easy activation or deactivation,
      respectively, of many monitoring variables with a single
      command.  There are even keyboard short cuts available to
      alter the current monitoring level without this dialog.

      IMPORTANT NOTE: Each time the monitoring level is changed
      there happens actually a full assignment (calls
      AssignAllMonitoring from module SysDatAccess), i.e.  any
      graphs, tables, graphing settings etc.  present previously
      to the switch of the level will be discarded and
      overwritten.  Thus, always save the current state to the a
      data frame if you wish to preserve at least the monitoring
      settings before changing to another level.  Moreover, from
      this principle follows, if you wish to preserve the
      monitoring settings from several levels, make sure you
      always save AND load (!) the to and from the data frame
      before switching the monitoring level.  Otherwise you loose
      your precious editing since the saving does only write
      newly edited monitoring attributes to the data frame for
      the current monitoring level; for all other monitoring
      levels it uses only the values currently stored in memory
      from the last load of the data frame.  IMPLEMENTATION
      RESTRICTION: Only a maximum of 7 monitoring levels are
      fully remembered.


  PROCEDURE AssignModelsTallyingForLevel;
      Similar to AssignModelsMonitoringForLevel.  Offers an entry
      form which lets the simulationist edit the tallying level
      and cause an assignment of the tallying attributes to the
      present model objects.  For any model object with a
      TallyLev equal to the current tallying level tally
      statistics will be computed and output made according to
      the current tallying specifications, typically provided
      by means of data frames.  Implies a data assignment as
      provided by the routine AssignAllTallying from module

  PROCEDURE PlaceSimEnvsWindows;
      Places all windows according to the frame definitions as
      specified in the data frame with name "Windows".  In case
      the data frame has not been loaded into memory, procedure
      does nothing.  (Note, that the RAMSES shell may
      automatically call this procedure when entering the
      Simulation Session in case the sessions preferences are
      set such that the data frame utils are automatically

  (*#####   Storing Current Data on a Data Frame File   #####*)

      Saves the data of all currently available models and
      model objects as data frames in the current anchor file.
      Separate data frames are created for each class of model
      objects, i.e.  one for variables, for parameters, and for
      monitoring attributes, again on a per model basis.  Note,
      all these data frames are written into the same file,
      regardless of the number of files the data may have come
      from when they were originally loaded.  Upon first time
      call to SaveDF, the standard file creating dialog is
      offered, which lets the user choose the file on which to
      save the data.  Subsequent calls will write to the same
      file unless SaveAsDF is called.  IMPORTANT NOTE: During
      the first call to this routine after having loaded
      freshly data, the user is asked whether the original data
      may actually be overwritten.  However, subsequent calls
      quietly overwrite the file without any warning!!!

       Similar to SaveDF but offers always a file creating

  (*#####   Error Handling   #####*)

  PROCEDURE CheckForErrPresence;
      Checks for the presence of errors which might have been
      encountered during past operations.  In case
      packageErrMode = suppressAllErrMode OR packageErrMode =
      warnOnceErrMode possibly occurring errors are not
      displayed but kept in memory for display till you call
      this procedure.

END SysDatAux.

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