
NSAHB Terres des Hommes Charity Gig at Strozzis, Zurich, Switzerland

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IMG_3464 IMG_3465 IMG_3466 IMG_3467
Caption: Hanspi (not Zal) in action
Caption: Hanspi (not Zal) in action
Caption: Hanspi, Gordon, and Andreas (e-cello)
Caption: Baldi and Andreas (e-cello)
IMG_3468 IMG_3470 IMG_3472 IMG_3474
Caption: Hanspi, Gordon, and Andreas (e-cello)
Caption: Hanspi
Caption: Gordon
Caption: Hanspi, Gordon, and Andreas
IMG_3476 IMG_3478 IMG_3482 IMG_3483
Caption: Gordon and Andreas
Caption: Gordon and Andreas
Caption: Andreas
Caption: Hanspi, Gordon, and Andreas

Sunday, 15. June, 2008

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